‹ Prequel: Lore of Anteria

Pawn of the Gods: Treasure of Gael

Chapter Twenty Three

Uri stretched, fingertips reaching for the sky. Adara threw something short and heavy at him. He looked askance at her.

"I can't let you run around with a blade not knowing how to use it," she said. "Come at me," she said, dropping into a crouch. Uri blinked, rushing forward and pressing Vanity against her throat in one swift movement.

"Not knowing how to use it?" he asked, his face inches from hers. Her green eyes were wide, her face pale.

"How?" she stammered.

"Laila gave me her blessing, with it comes the knowledge how to weild her weapon of choice. If she needs to, she can use a bow, but I already know how to use a bow," he said. Adara closed her eyes, her lips parting softly as she inhaled his scent, and Uri became just aware of how close they were. He cleared his throat, backing up hastily. Adara stepped forward, not used to this feeling that was warming her.

"Uri," she said, looking up at him, he towered at least a foot above her. "You're the only person to ever draw blood, to ever beat me in a fight, why do I feel the way I do about you?" she demanded, in an almost petulant tone."I should be furious with you! And yet," she hesistated. "And yet, you steal my breath, make my heart sing and," Uri stepped forward, laying a finger on her lips.

"Shh, little one, now is not the time for such thoughts," he murmured. His heart ached. He was going to die, on a pointless adventure. She shouldn't have to come. The way she felt, would only hurt her later, when he died. Tainted blade will reap once. The words played over and over in his head. Dragon's claw twice. and Heartache thrice. No, he would send her away. Surely, she couldn't be the Warrior the Seeress spoke of.

"Uri Dawn, Adara Kasimir, the would-be queen of the castle of Dawn," Saber said, looking at them. "She loves you and from the way I see you staring after her, you have to love her too. Why not make it easier on both of yourselves, and just admit it?" the gold-eyed twin said.

"Indeed, why do they force eachother to suffer so," Ace said, scratching his tuft of a beard on his chin. "When all woes and agony can be forstalled by simply saying two words?"

"I don't know, brother. Talin!" Saber shouted. Talin rounded the corner and looked askance at them. "I love you!" She scowled at him, turning her scowl on Ace as he opened his mouth. Ace grinned. Snow white teeth shining in the morning light.

"Why, Talin, we were just talking to Uri and Adara about how they shouldn't hide how they feel, it only leads to bad juju later," Ace said, geausturing to where the two had been. They were walking up the road, talking amiably. "They left us!" Ace, Saber and Talin scurried to catch upto the would-be heros of Anteria.