‹ Prequel: Lore of Anteria

Pawn of the Gods: Treasure of Gael

Chapter Twenty Four

They entered into the Grandier Forest and Alwinera herself greeted them, after many days of travel through the Plains of Night. Talin's voice coaxed the birds out of the trees as she sang, her lyre a soft melody.

"Daughter of Cano. Daughter of Kasimir. Sons of the One True Guardian. Son of Yoshi Dawn," Alwinera said to each of them in turn. Ace and Saber shifted their feet at the mention of their heritage. "You have not met your Guardian yet, you will soon, Laila needs to have a word with her," Alwinera smiled, her face kind. Adara's eyebrows rose.


"Ah, May the Blades of Kasimir ever be Sharp" Alwinera bowed. "Yes, his Guardian is a female, she's a bit odd. She has pink locks. One would think she used to be blonde, before she took the roots of the Nightblood and dyed her hair." Adara snorted.

"You must go, watch out for the tainted blade," Alwinera said, vanishing into the forest.

"Tainted blade?" Talin asked.

"Tainted blade his soul shall reap, leaving him a husk of a man, maidens kiss must find the soul, and make the man whole again," Ace recited. Saber picked it up.

"Through Dragon Claw, his body dies, maidens kiss must purify," Adara finished it.

"The heros heart shall break, from a lovers ache, maidens sacrifice must bring him back," Adara pushed a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "Thrice shall he face peril,"

"I'll die, at the end of this journey. Once and for all. After all, it is the Heros Curse. To never see the peace they have wrought," he murmured softly, walking briskly. Talin's face softened.

"Uri Dawn, you will see the peace you have wrought, I promise it,"

"What assurances can you give me, Talin? You're the daughter of Cano, of Song. What will Cano do for me?" he looked over his shoulder at her.

"No assurance of Cano's, but of a demi-god," she said, looking up at him. "From a demi-god to a prince," Adara laid a hand on his shoulder, looking up at him.

"You have two demi-god's promises, and my father will honour my wishes, so you have at least one God,"

"Let's go," Ace and Saber said, drawing their swords and resting them on their shoulders. "Laila's city is up ahead, through the forest. Alwinera has granted us safe passage," The twins led the way. They stopped about half way through, as darkness fell. Uri swung up into a nearby tree, the branch supported him as he rested in it.