‹ Prequel: Lore of Anteria

Pawn of the Gods: Treasure of Gael

Chapter Twenty Five

"Let's sleep, for now," Uri said. Adara looked up at him, reaching for a branch. As her fingers curled around it, steam rose from the wood.

"Fire elf, fire elf, let's play a little game," whispered a voice from the woods. "You leave, we don't devour your friends, Goddess blessing or not," Adara's eyes widened, Viper Sting was drawn from it's sheath. "You stay, we eat them all, starting with your heart," Her eyes flickered to Uri. His hair was hanging from the branch, which seemed to squeeze him closer to the tree, his blue eyes closed, breathing peacefully. Ace came up, putting a hand on her shoulder.

"Little one, they're trying to bait you deeper into the forest, but they will devour those of us in the trees," he said, looking at Talin, her hair fanned over her strong cheekbones. He leaned in close to her ear, whispering. "Concentrate on a ball of fire in your palm, imagine it burning brightly. They fear fire," Her lips parted to respond but he shook his head, pointing to her palm. She cupped her palms together, bringing them to chest height, staring into the empty bowl her hands created. A ball of flames flared to life in her palms, the forest hissed loudly.

"I, Adara Kasimir, sworn Knight to Uri Dawn and Daughter of the God of War and Flames, forbid you from hurting my leige or his followers," she roared into the shadows. The darkness recoiled. "Release them!" Ace smiled softly.

"Saber! Talin! Uri! Wake up!" Ace shouted. They woke up, dropping to the ground. As Uri's feet touched the ground, the forest seethed to life. Vanity flashed into his palm.

"What's going on?!" Talin demanded.

"The forest is trying to prevent us from reaching the City of Theives," Ace said. Alwinera came sprinting into the clearing. Her long gold braid was pinned to her head, green eyes wide and alert.

"It's him. He's come for them," Alwinera stammered. Ace's eyes widened.

"Send them away!" Ace snapped.

"I can't, he's bound my powers,"

"Who?!" Adara asked.

"Yami, Slayer of Heros, he's invincible to mortals," Alwinera hissed, pulling at her hair.

"He's strong enough to bind you?!" Uri asked. Alwinera nodded.

"Run," Ace said, drawing his Light Biter and Dark Biter, twin daggers.

"And leave you here? Never," Adara said, drawing Snow Lily, Viper Sting in the other hand. Uri called Shadow Slayer to him.

"We're comrades, we don't leave eachother behind," Uri stated simply, Vanity in one hand and the fabled Shadow Slayer in the other. "Let him come"