‹ Prequel: Lore of Anteria

Pawn of the Gods: Treasure of Gael

Chapter Twenty Nine

Saber and Talin skidded to a halt, Talin covered her mouth, when she saw the remains of Yami's body.

"The Hero Slayer lies dead. The King of Dawn is close to it," Talin put her flute to her lips, playing Dawn of the Hero.

Adara bit her lip harder, blood welling up beneath her teeth. She leaned down, hesitating for a moment, before pressing her lips to his. He inhaled sharply, his hand coming up and tangling in her hair, pulling her closer. Adara pulled away, gasping. Uri's hand fell from her hair, his breathing evened out, his eyes closing.

"He's too weak to walk," Saber said, leaning down and throwing the tall elf over his shoulder.

"Give him here," Adara said, kneeling in the pine and moss of the forest floor. Saber glanced at Talin, reluctant. Talin nodded. "We'll catch up, once he's healed," Uri's head rested in Adara's lap, Eldora sat cross legged beside the red-haired Demi-God.

Talin motioned to Ace and Saber.

"We will wait for you, in the City of Thieves," she turned and left, the twins close behind her. Eldora pulled her hair up, tying it with a blood stained white ribbon.

"Why do you wear it, if it's stained with blood?" Adara asked.

"It came from a singular creature, crying out his name," she looked at Uri. "Her name was Rikita, she was barely old enough to be called an adult in his races years," Uri's lips parted.

"Rikita..." he murmured. "Rikita!" He twisted fitfully, his fingers groping for something. Adara slipped her flingers through his, pulling it to her cheek. He calmed at once.

"What happened to her?" Adara asked. Eldora looked at her, drawing both her knives and walking over to Yami.

"I'm going to assume it's because he's crying fitfully for her," Eldora said. "She was taken by Dark Elves," The Thief started carving bits out of the Drakaedian, and throwing them through the wood.