‹ Prequel: Lore of Anteria

Pawn of the Gods: Treasure of Gael

Chapter Eight

Kasimir stalked around the audience chamber of Radek, his father. Laila and Gael were still missing from this meeting of the Gods.

"I will go look for them!" Kasimir stated boldly. Radek held up a hand, halting his son.

"She will bestow Dream Slayer to someone before she comes, this I have instructed her to do before she comes here," Radek said. "Cano, play us a song," he instructed his youngest son. Cano picked up his flute, playing The Drakaedian Victory.

Kael, Gael's twin brother, smiled to himself. His sister was choosing interesting options. Kael was the God of Decisions. The Sun God and Goddess of Night sat, fingers laced tight together. Aayshah and Bahir were rarely apart.

"Father..." Kasimir said.

"Enough! Dream Slayer must be handed down soon, or the world will fall into Chaos," Radek snapped. Kasimir bowed his head, wondering where Gael could have vanished to.

Uri slid off Eclipse, helping Gael down.

"Do you know much about Gael, Uri?" she asked, striding into the barracks and ignoring the leers that her silk habit brought.

"Next to nothing, My father, before he died, taught me to respect Kael, her twin. For in him, nothing was impossible, if you simply believed you could do it," he said. I believe I can force Gael to bestow Dream Slayer to me. Make her see that I can be a hero of the people, he thought.

"Gael, it is said, has blue eyes of the ocean, golden tresses falling down her back and she controls who gets to be the hero. After he has performed heroic deeds, of course. Do you think you'd like to be her lover, young knight?" Gael asked, tilting her head.

"Laila is more my type, if I wanted to mate with a Goddess. Long, thick black hair framing her face, one eye silver, the other gold and as likely to stab me in the back as mate with a mere Light Elf!" he laughed loudly. A young female warrior strode up to him. She jabbed him sharply in his chest with her forefinger.

"Are you here to train in the name of Kasimir?!" she demanded sharply, fiery red hair braided down her back. Gael 's face had grown sour at the sight of the Warrior. Uri nodded once. "Then come with me! Leave your mistress here, the battle Field is not a place for a priestess,"

Gael's eyes widened slightly, before she regained her composure.

"I have heard of you, Daughter of Kasimir," Gael said, voice ice.

"Save for another time, priestess. I have training to do," she said, stalking off. Uri looked askance at Gael, before running off after the short tempered woman.