Status: Slow. Just wanted to get it started.

There's Nothing Wrong With a Little Hocus-Pocus



Running late, Megan didn’t think twice about using a little bit of magic to help her out. Her sandy blonde hair threw itself in a perfect ponytail as she rushed about brushing her teeth. Her bright green eyes were slightly dulled by the layer of glass called spectacles - or glasses - that she put on one handed while brushing. It had been a late night at work last night. There’d been a lot more trouble lately than there ever had been before. More kidnappings. Especially the fairy princesses…and two weeks ago on Halloween, all the little girls dressed as fairy princesses.

Shouldn’t you try to be scary on Halloween, not cute?

Megan wished more people did, but they were just too stupid. Well, maybe not stupid. They just didn’t know what was out there…but it’s not like scary costumes would stop the bad ones from taking little kids. It would probably just intrigue them and make them take more kids. So maybe being scary wasn’t good. But neither was dressing like a fairy princess when all seventeen of the real ones had been victims of recent kidnappings.

Sometimes, Megan thought, it would be easier if the humans knew about all of us.

She knew that it could cause just as many problems as it would solve to have them know about the magic beings, but sometimes it would be easier. There could be newscasts, telling when fairy princesses were kidnapped, so human girls would be scared to dress up like a fairy princess on Halloween.

Kind of a mean thought, Megan told herself firmly. It was kind of hard to be really nice running on an hour and a half of sleep, but she’d have to make do. She had school to go to, with a huge Calculus test and everything. It didn’t help that last time this had happened, she’d fallen asleep during the test. It wasn’t exactly an experience she wanted to repeat, since she’d had detention that afternoon so she’d had to stay up later that night after ‘work’ to finish her assignments.

It’s not like Megan didn’t like doing what she did - in fact, she loved it. It’s just all the pressure she had put on her. She had a wider area than most Protectors, although only she and Queen Isabel knew that much. Megan’s other half was quite powerful, and that wasn’t Megan being conceited. She had several people and creatures to protect within her district, and so far, nothing severe had happened. Other than the kidnapping of the fairy princesses, who happened to all live within Megan’s Protective Circle.

Queen Isabel had requested that, actually.

Megan grunted in frustration. She’d gone off track with her thoughts, and made herself later. Not late, late, because if she needed to she could phase there in a split second, but late to her “I’m a normal girl” routine. She’d have to run instead of walking to get to school in time. Chandra would be worried if Megan was late. She was the worrywart of the whole group of Megan’s friends. Her human friends, that is. Fairy Princess Vanille was the worrier of the magical people that were close to Megan.

She grabbed a Poptart from a cabinet and hurriedly drank down a glass of milk. Even if none of her friends knew about her, it was best to keep her place looking like a normal person lived here. And other than the part where Megan protected the existence of magical beings, she did live normally. Despite what some people might have thought. Looking around, making sure she had everything and sighing, Megan hefted her backpack over her right shoulder and rushed out of her one bedroom apartment, already running once her door was locked. She’d have to book it to make first hour on time the human way.


Just barely.

That’s how Megan made it to school. Barely on time as she barreled into her first hour just as the bell rang, feigning being out of breath for the sake of all of the others. She fell into her desk in her charade, looking up expectantly at the teacher. It was a good thing the first period teacher was such a laid back guy, especially for one in his fifties. He just shook his head with a grin and turned his back on Megan to continue writing a few things on the board. His test-taking rules.

Yes, Megan’s first class was Calculus.

And it was going to be hell.

♠ ♠ ♠
Kind of a teaser. To see if anyone likes the idea.

I do, so I'll probably keep going anyway. But I must warn you...

I have ELEVEN active stories now, if I include this one. Or maybe it's twelve if I include this one? I can't remember, but I know it's way too many! Haha. So, updates should be expected slow...

Anyway, suggestions would be thought over, and corrections will be made if they're pointed out!

<333 Amanda