Take My ***ing Hand

I'm So Smart

Brendon's POV

After about fifteen minutes of sitting in silence, I decided that Ross was right. 

Not that I'd ever admit that to anyone. Ever.

But we needed to get out of here.  

I wiped the last of my tears away, (Yes I was crying. I was scared shitless. Wouldn't you?) and got up onto my feet. 

I walked over to where Ryan sat, leaning up against the car hugging his knees to his chest, and resting his forehead on his knees as well. 

I kicked dirt at him to get his attention. 

"Rise and shine princess. We need to figure a way out of this fuck-hole." 

Fuck-hole? That sounded better in my head. 

He rose his head slowly, shooting me a menacing glare. I was almost scared for my life. 

Another thing I will never admit. I am not scared of Ross. 

He slowly stood up and dusted himself off. While mumbling something unintelligable.

"What?" I asked.  

"I said what exactly so you suggest smart guy? We let your big nose sniff our way out?" He said bitterly. 


My nose isn't that big is it? 

Okay ignoring that comment. 

"Look. Ripping eachothers heads off isn't going to get us out if here any quicker." I said fighting off the urge to actually rip his head off. 

He exhaled before speaking again. "You're right." 

"YEAH WELL...... Wait what?" Did he just say I was right? So I got all on the defense for nothing? Maybe I didn't hear him right....

"I said, you're right." Weird. "We need to do something- wait." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a cell phone. 

Oh my god. I wasn't sure If I should be extatic or pissed that he's had his cell the whole time. 

He flipped it open and began pushing buttons before slamming it shut. 

"Fuck! Fucking cheap ass retarded fucking phone!" He exclaimed. He then proceeded to chuck it across the clearing and fall on his knees ready to rip his hair out. 

And I thought I was the one that threw all the tissy fits.

"Let me guess. Broken?" I said walking over to him. 

"No, I just cussed my phone out and threw it across the clearing because it called me fat." He growled sarcastically. 

Well, someone is in a sour mood. 

"Look, I have an idea," I said trying my best to ignore him. "Since we can't get up to the road, we could just try and travel parallel to it. Maybe eventually it'll lead us somewhere."

"Well I guess it's better then anything I've come up with." he mumbled. "We should probably get started now, and try and find some water by nightfall." 

"Uh, right." 

He got up and walked over to the car. He crawled into the passenger seat, and began shuffeling stuff around.

Was he unaware of the fact that there was a dead man sitting right next to him?

"Um, what are you doing?" I finally asked. 

"Looking for food." He askwered dully. 

Food? He's not planning on eating that guy is he? That's just disgusting. 

And no, I don't mean it like that. Get your mind out of the gutter. God. 

He Soon re-appeared holding two candy bars and an empty soda bottle. 

"Dude, sweet." I said grabbing one of the candy bars. I began to open it when he stopped me. 

"You may want to save that for later. Who knows when the nexttime we'll run into food will be." He "advised." 

"Whatever." I said shoving it into my pocket. "Whats with the empty coke bottle?" 

"Its for collecting water, for when or if we cross a spring."


"And judging by the position of the sun, it's probably a little past noon, so we have several hours to find water or food."

"Since when did you become Mr. Surviver Man?" I asked, honestly not able to think of anything else to say. 

"Its just common sense." He replied. 

Wow. Way to make me feel smart. 

"Now let's get going. I'm thirsty." The stubborn part of me wanted to object, but from the looks of it, he knew what be was doing. And I could either follow him, or find my own way back home.  
♠ ♠ ♠
Huh. This turned out to be a lot shorter then I intended.

Oh well. I liked this one. x]
