Status: School has started, so updates may be a bit slow<3

It's Not Faith


Leila had come home from her afternoon out with Jimmy and Leana with about ten bags. She had bought three of the four dresses, two pairs of shoes, two shirts, one pair of shorts, and a bundle of other things. She arrived to find Matt and Val heavily in discussion; it stopping suddenly when walked into the kitchen.
"Hey Hun!" Val exclaimed, piling some papers into a folder and shoving them under a newspaper. Leila instantly felt nervous. It was obvious that they were talking about her. It was what about her, that she was nervous about.
An awkward air floated around, and Leila felt that she needed to ask a question that had been bothering her for a while.

"When are you going to move in Val?" Leila could see every night when Matt had to get up and say good bye to his fiance. She also, didn't want to make more of a problem.
Matt stared, speechless.
"Well, we just want to make sure you're alright with it." Val said, looking at Matt.
Leila sat down at the table.
"Val, you sleepover at your own fiance's house. I don't want to be the reason why you guys aren't living together. Besides, it'll be nice to have another girl around here all the time!" Leila grinned.
"Well then, it's settled!" Matt exclaimed. Leila could see the happiness in his eyes.
Val grinned. "I better get going, tomorrow I'll go to the condo office to talk about sales!"
Val hugged Leila, and Matt walked Val to the door.

"So are you sure you're okay with this? I don't want you to think that you have to do anything you don't want to." Matt said, as he sat down at the kitchen table. Leila had her head down on the table; she was exhausted.
"No no! I'm fine with it" She mumbled into the cool marble table top. "I want you guys to be happy. And really, dad...I'm quite fine with it!"
Matt smiled.
"I'm glad then. Everything go okay today?"
Leila nodded. "Yeah, I had a lot of fun!"
Matt smiled. "Good, I'm glad."
"We're going into the studio tomorrow, we took the week off, but we gotta get back in. Do you want to come down? We're doing vocals early, but drums have already been laid down so I can get Jimmy to come and pick you up a little later."
Leila nodded; head still against the table. She sat up and smiled at her dad.
"That would be fun!"
Matt smiled back at her.
I'm gonna go to bed, I'll see you tomorrow." Leila said, getting up and hugging her father.

Leila barley made it into her room. She felt so suddenly exhausted. She pulled of her clothes and slipped into a pair of pajamas, and slid into bed. Exhaustion took over, and she fell asleep.

Leila felt a buzzing near her head. Her phone kept vibrating. She glanced quickly at the time; 10:45. Her phone kept flashing; 'Jimmy' was on the screen.
"Hello?" She tiredly answered.
"Helllloo my sweet-cheeks. You're lovely driver will be arriving at your house for pick up at around 11:30!" Jimmy screamed into Leila ear. She couldn't help but laugh.
"Okay, Jim-Jim!" She said, laughing at Leana's nickname for him.
"Heeyy!!! Don't use that out in public!!"
Leila smiled at the man on the other end of the phone line.
"K Jim-Jim I gotta go shower!" Leila laughed.
"See you at 11:30 bumpkin!" Jimmy said, and hung up.
"Fuuuck." Leila cried as she shut the phone, and pulled herself out of bed.

Leila was finally read. It took three outfit changes, two eye-liner attempts, and one long shower to finally get Leila out the door. She was sitting on the front porch, waiting for Jimmy. A voice brought Leila from her thoughts.
Leila looked d up to meet the face of a boy who looked about her age.
"I'm Kyle...I live next door." He said, smiling.
"I'm Leila."
"I haven't seen you around, did you just move here?"
"Yeah, I just moved in with my dad."
Kyle smiled at her.
"I'm supposed to be taking to garbage out, but I thought I'd come and say hi!"
Leila smiled. "Thanks. I don't know anyone my age here yet."
"Well, then I'd be happy to be the first one!" Kyle said, smiling at her.
"Let me give you my number; there's a part tonight, and if you wanted, I'd be happy to bring you...To, uh, make some friends." Kyle said, turning slightly red.
Leila turned more red. "I'd like that."
A honk brought their eyes away from each other.
"Oh, that's my uncle! Here, type your number in my phone, and text me later! I'd love to come to the party!" Leila said, as she got up from the steps and handed Kyle her phone. Kyle smiled, and handed the phone back to her.
"See ya around!" He said, walking back to his house.

"Oooohhh, who was that?!" Jimmy said, as Leila got in the car.
"No one!" She defended.
"just the neighbour. He invited me to a party!"
"Are you into that sort of thing?" Jimmy asked, smiling.
Leila turned red again. ""Yeah...except drinking."
"So you do other things?" Jimmy said, looking over at his niece.
"Jimmy, don't tell me you went to parties and stayed one hundred percent completely sober."
", but"
"But nothing."
Jimmy sighed, and laughed.
"You win this time short-one!"
Leila lightly punch Jimmy in the arm.
"I'll always win against you!"

Leila laughed, and a comfortable silence fell in the car.
"How know" Jimmy said, rubbing the back of his neck.
Leila shrugged. "It's okay. I..didn't do it last night." Leila felt awkward about telling him; she felt like she was sharing something so personal.
"Good!" Jimmy said, looking over at her. "Good. I'm glad."
"I really appreciate you talking to me." Leila said, smiling.
"Babe, I'll always be here for you, k?"
Leila smiled at the; yet again; kind words from Jimmy.
♠ ♠ ♠
let me first saaaay,
i have 103 subscribers!!!
so thankies to everyone:)
<3 & belg I don't like this chapter. Send me some love?
OH and a lovely commenter pointed out that it would be creepy if Matt was like 26, cuz she's 16, so let's say the bands are all kinda in the 30's
thankies to XxBleedingMascaraxX for that!!!
& thankies to YOU!<3