Status: School has started, so updates may be a bit slow<3

It's Not Faith


The emergency room was loud and busy. Leila was tucked between Jimmy and Leana in the back corner of the busy waiting room. Jimmy had signed her in "Leila Sullivan" ans she smiled at that. The nurse at the desk had asked her what was wrong; took her blood pressure; looked at her cut, and sent her to the waiting room with a "green" bracelet; meaning that she wasn't first priority, but she was second. Which meant more waiting. She was leaned on Jimmy; the pain growing worst and worst with ever minute. They had been there for over three hours. Leila tried to close her eyes; but the pain would over come her. Jimmy had tried to talk to her at the beginning, but he could see the pain and exhaustion in her eyes.

"Sullivan; Leila Sullivan?" A voice rang out through the emergency room. Jimmy Slowly got up, and help Leila to her feet.
"Here, give my your bag; I'll wait here for you guys." Leana said, taking Leila's purse and giving her a small smile. Leila held onto Jimmy's hand as he weaved himself through the crowd to the nurse at the check in. She motioned to follow her; and led them through the emergency room to a small curtained section.
"Someone will be in to see you in a sec." She said, and smiled, leaving Jimmy and Leila alone. Leila sat on the small white bed; and Jimmy sat on the plastic chair beside it; stretching his lanky legs out.
"you okay?" He asked, as Leila sighed and rubbed her forehead. She shook her head.
"I'm scared."
"Don't be, Le. they'll just look at your cut, and make a medical decision. I wont let anyone judge you."
Leila nodded, and took deep breaths. As if on cue; the curtains were pulled back.
"Hello-" The women paused to look at the clipboard hanging off the bed. "Hello Leila. I'm Jackie; and I'll be the nurse looking at your-" She glanced at the clipboard again. "At your arm. The doctor will come in after me to check things out, too. Is that okay?"
Leila slowly nodded.
"And you are?" She asked, looking at Jimmy. Jimmy frowned. "I'm James. Her brother."
The nurse stared at Jimmy; eying him up and down, and finally giving him a hard stare right in the eyes. Jimmy simply stared back; unfazed by her rude behavior.
"Okay," The nurse said, as she sat down on a stool across from Leila. "Can you roll up your sleeve for me?"
Leila began to roll up her sleeve. "Whats that?" The nurse asked, pointing to her bandaged arm.
"A tattoo."
The nurse frowned, and continued to stare at her arm. "So that's the infected cut?" She asked as she pulled on gloves. "What are all these other cuts?"
Leila shook her head slightly "Their just-"
The woman interrupted her. "I think we'll need to just grab these." The nurse reached over and grabbed something from the wall; and before Leila could realize; she was being strapped to the bed.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing?!" Jimmy cried, Jumping up and grabbing the straps.
"What, Oh my God, Jimmy!" Leila cried.
Jimmy grabbed the side of the bed and started screaming. Leila began shaking; she could feel a panic attack coming.
"Get those fucking things off of her right the fucking second!" Jimmy cried. He grabbed Leila's hand and started yelling some more. Instantly; a doctor and another nurse were standing in the room.
"Get this fucking cunt out of here!" Jimmy roared. Leila could see the anger in his eyes; it was terrifying. The other nurse came over to her; trying to comfort her.
"Why were these restraints put on this patients?" The doctor asked the nurse; who was standing, looking terrified.
"S-She had other cuts on her arm."
"You know damn well that's not a fucking reason to put a poor terrified sixteen year old in fucking restraints!" Jimmy cried.
"Sir, please, calm down. WE don't want to upset-"
"Leila." Jimmy said.
"We don't want to upset Leila anymore."
"Now, The nurse was using mis-judgment; she was fearing for her and the patients safety; though I see no need for those thoughts." The doctor turned to Leila.
"You didn't come here because of your cutting, right?" Leila shook her head. "I just have an infected cut; I haven't cut myself in days."
"Take off those things." He motioned to the straps wrapped around Leila's left arm. Leila felt her breathing calm down as the kinder nurse removed the straps.
Jimmy seemed to have calmed down slightly.
"Can you just look at her arm; and let us go." He spat.
The doctor nodded. "Jackie, go to the nurses station. I don't want you near this patient again." The nurse, with one final glare at Jimmy; left.
The doctor took a seat on the stool; and gently looked at Leila's cut. Jimmy stood behind the man the entire time; watching him hard. The kinder nurse gave Leila a small squeeze and left also.

"Alright; well I'm going to take some blood; but it just looks like a bad infection. I'll prescribe you some anti-biotic; and we'll call you in about a week with your blood tests."
Leila nodded as the doctor rummaged around a drawer and pulled out a needle. She closed her eyes as he cleaned the area; and struck her with the needle.
"There; all done." She opened her eyes, and took a breath. All of this would seen be over.
"Can I speak with Leila for a moment by herself?" The doctor asked; looking up at Jimmy.
Jimmy frowned for a moment; and then nodded; and slipped outside of the curtain without a word.
The doctor stood up and pulled off his gloves. He rummaged through another drawer. "Leila, I just wanted to let you know that this hospital offers free counseling for a number of things; eating disorders; self harm; addiction. I can give you the number; and you can come in at any time; any day."
Leila let the kind doctors words sink in. She didn't like that a number of people suddenly knew about her secret; even if they were strangers.
She slowly nodded her head. "O-okay. I'd like that."
The doctor smiled at her; and handed her a pamphlet; and a business card. he then handed her a prescription slip, and signed the clip board.
"You can go now ; Leila. Please, take care of any cuts you have, okay?"
Leila smiled at the doctor, and nodded. The doctor left the curtain room; and Jimmy immediately came back in.
"Oh God, I am so sorry, Leila." He said, as he wrapped his arms around her.
She shook her head. "It's okay. I just want to go home now, Jim-Jim."
He smiled, and helped her off the bed.
"We'll stop at the pharmacy before we go home; and then you can sleep all you want, darling."
She nodded; and followed Jimmy out into the waiting room.
"Please don't fucking tell me that you were involved in that screaming that the entire hospital could hear." Leana hissed, as Jimmy and Leila approached her.
"Okay, I wont tell you, then." Jimmy said, nonchalantly.
"Fuck, Jimmy, what happened?!" Leana asked quietly.
"Fucking cunt put Leila in those fucking straps, and fuck no she wasn't going to do that."
"Jimmy, calm down." Leana placed her arm around the tall man. She then turned to Leila.
"You okay, love?" She asked, as they all finally made their way out of the hospital. Leila nodded, and scoffed.
"A what? fucking like four hour wait; and it's all done in under half an hour. Fuck."
Jimmy laughed, and wrapped his arm around her.
"I'm proud of you, kiddo. You're taking control of this." Jimmy said, quietly. Leila didn't reply. She didn't know how to, but she also didn't think Jimmy needed a reply.
"What did the doctor give you?" Jimmy asked, eying the pamphlet Leila held.
"they offer free therapy here."
Jimmy smiled softly, and unlocked the car doors. Leila slipped into the back seat, and felt her head press against the cool glass. She knew she would feel off for a few days; but she felt better; a huge weight had been lifted off of her chest.
♠ ♠ ♠
not my best but againt its 2:45 am so i am very sorry
thank you all to my commenters<33
I actually have an idea where this story is going!!!