Disenchanted: The Way Things Should Be

Chocolate covered skittles

"Oh my god you and Mikey!" I yelled.

Andy just smiled.

"How the fuck did you know that?" Mikey asked.

I looked at him and smiled.

"Cause I'm psychic!" I said in a baby voice.

"Nuh uh!" Mikey said.

"Uh unh!"

"Then prove it! What I'm I thinking!"

"Your thinking that I dont' know your thinking!"

"Oh my god your psychic!"

"No Mikey your just stupid!" Gee exclaimed.

I looked at him and gave him a peck on the cheeck.

"Wow okay now that we've had that fun I say we do something!" Andy yelled.

"I'm with her I'm tired of seeing Gee and Ariel make out!" Bob yelled.

"Well if you don't like it leave!" Gee said.

I smacked Gerard.

"No one is leaving unless were goin together!" I said.

"Ohhh Ohh are you goin to hold us captive!" Frank asked.

"You really are stupid aren't you!" Gee said.

I rolled my eyes and looked at Andy.

"Whatcha want to do?"

"I don't know! Ohh we should get skittles and dip them in chocolate!" Andy said.

"What the fuck?" Mikey exclaimed.

"Your heard her! Where dipping skittles in chocolate!" I said.

"But why?" Ray asked.

"Cause 1 it would be good 2 cause you aren't coming up with ideals and 3 cause it's Andy and my house!" I said.

Ray sighed and looked away.

Hahaha Mr. Toro I won!

"Okay so we have to send someone to the store! Dibs not!" I yelled.

"'l'll go!" Frank said.

We all yelled no.

"Frank the skittles and chocolate for the matter wouldn't even make it back to Ariel's house!" Andy said.

We all agreed and finally decided to send Ray since he was the most repsonsible one in the bunch.

"Ari chocolate covered skittles!" Brandy whispered.

I nodded I was about to get hyper!