Disenchanted: The Way Things Should Be

A Kiss To Last A Lifetime

{{Andy's POV}}

My leg and Ari's leg were bouncing up and down. I frickin LOVED chocolate covered skittles to death. I was bored and cirous one day when i was 14 and tried to see what it would taste like. It was...amazing

"I'll be right now." Gee said and walked out of the room quickly.

Frank went out to smoke and Bob didnt wanna be stuck with us so he went with him. I think Gee got a boner from what I saw. That sounds bad, it's not like I was looking there, it's just...IT'S NOT LIKE YOU DONT NOTICE THEM!

"Calm down!" Mikey screamed at me. He had his arm around and and i was bouncing up and down waiting for the candy.

"But it's skittles..and chocolate!"

"Yes but its not that importent."

I stopped instently and just looked at him.

"Micheal Way! You've never had choco skittles made by me. You don't know what they taste like. I'm sure you've never even had chocolate covered skittles."

"Well...." he trailed off and Ariel looked back and forth as we 'argued'. I wasn't mad or anything. To be honest, i love choco skittles but, i could live without them.

"Yeah! That's what I thought!"

"I'm sorry." aww, he looks so pathedic.

"I guess its okay. Just next time don't insult my cooking ability."

"Do you forgive me?" Damn those puppy dog eyes! I will get you back for this Mr. Way.

"I guess. On one condition!"

"What would that be?"

"A kiss to last a lifetime."

"What does that mean?" Ariel finally spoke up.

"It means..." Mikey trailed off and Kissed me.

"That is what it means." I said as Mikey backed away.

All I meant was...
It had passion
It was longer then a regular kiss
It was forien {{No you retard, it was a french kiss.}}
It told me he loved me
It told me that he wanted to be with me
It said that he cared about me
It had heart {{technigly it had tounge but you get my point right?}}