Disenchanted: The Way Things Should Be

Pancakes, Eggs, and Bacon.


Mikey backed up and i rested my head on his shoulder. Gerard came into the living room and i smirked.

"You liiiiiiike her." I sang.

"Do not. Nothing more then friends."

"That's why she gave you a boner?" Mikey smiled as he said.

"Well....I....Uhhh....." Gerard stuttered.

We heard banging on the door and i got up to open it. Ray had Chocolate and skittles. Then Bob walked in and then Frank, but Frank was carrying Ari.

"What the fuck happened? Gerard, Mikey and I asked.

"She got a call and fainted." Bob said moving so Frank could bring her in.

Ray, Bob, and Frank said they were going to the hotel as Gerard put Ariel in her room. Gerard was about to walk out when i asked him to stay and sleep with Ariel for when she woke back up. Gerard nodded and walked back over. Mikey gave me a kiss and hugged me. As we were hugging i asked if he would stay with me. He smiled and nodded.

"I'll go get something for you guys to wear."

I walked into my room and grabbed two pairs of guys pajama pants, what guys pants are more comfy, and handed it to them. They went intot he bathroom and slipped them on. I gaver Gerard a hug and said good night then went to my room with Mikey. He was going to sleep on the couch but then i told him i needed him there.

"Please Mikey. I have terrible nightmares and often go sleep with Ari but she's got her own stuff to worry about."

"Sure. I'll stay with you." We both craweled into bed after carefully making our way over.


I woke up and realized nothing was next to me. I could have swore Mikey slept next to me last night. I rubbed my eyes and sat up. My room was clean. Maybe even spotless. Mikey walked in and smiled. I looked at him confused.

"Sorry. I figured i'd clean it for you. All you're clothes are in a pile over there because i didn't know what was dirty or clean. You're art stuff is orginized over there. And I put you're newest pictures on you're desk so you can color them later if you want to."

"Thanks." i smiled and walked into the kitchen. Gerard was making eggs, bacon, and pancakes.

We all sat down at the table and Gerard asked us what we wanted and how much we wanted. Mikey got a pate for himself and asked how much or what i wanted while Gerard handed Ariel a plate full of food and sat down to eat.

"I'll just have a pancake."

"Just one pancake?"

"I hate eggs. I'm a Vegaterian, and i never eat breakfast and when i do it's small. It's not that theres anything wrong with Gerard's cooking." Mikey shook his head and sat down with both plates.

"So, what happened last night?" Gerard asked as Mikey and I just looked up at her waiting for her to speek.