Disenchanted: The Way Things Should Be

Andy to the rescue

{{Ariel's POV}}

"So what happened last night?" Gerard asked.

Everyone looked up at me.

This was the question that I was dreading to answer.

How could I tell the guy I just met that my ex boyfriend is pyscho and he wants me back.

"Umm nothing I was just tired I guess." I said.

"Don't lie to us!" Andy blurted.

My head snapped over to were she was.

"How do you know that I'm lieing?" I asked.

"Cause I've known you since 9th grade! Were close I know when you lie!" She said.

I dropped my head she was right.

"Ariel can you please tell us what happened you scared us!" Mikey said.

I looked over at him and sighed.

"It's complicated and the only one who will really understand it will be Andy." I said.

"That's okay can we just hear what happened." Gee whispered.

I told them everything. About my ex beating me about him having sex with my cousin and me catching them. About every little detail.

At the end of my story I was crying.

Mikey looked like he was about to cry.

Andy had pulled me into a hug.

And I was afraid to look at Gee.

"Ariel look at me!" Gee said.

I looked at him and he had his arms apart.

I walked over and let him embrace me.

"I won't let anything happen to you I promise!" He whispered.

"Ya Ariel if that bastard gets any where near you will stop him!" Mikey said.

I nodded but deep down I was still scared.

"Ariel I promise just like last time nothing will happen to you!" Andy said.

I looked over at her and I was in awe.

There my best friend stood with confidence ready to fight my battle while I coward behind a boy.