Disenchanted: The Way Things Should Be

That Bitch!

{{Ariel's POV}}

I laughed at all of Andy's nicknames.

But I didn't get why Gee called her beautiful he had never called me beautiful.

Stop it Ariel your not getting jealous at your best friend!

Damn it, yes I am! That Bitch!

I grabbed a juice out of the fridge and went to the back of the bus.

I laid down on my bed grabbed my laptop and went on Mibba.

I have tons of stories on there right now I'm typing up one called Love Fury Passion Energy is about a vampire.

I didn't notice someone else in the room with me intil they sat down.

"Hey whatcha doin?" Mikey asked.

I showed him my page.

"Typin my story I got to make my readers happy!" I said.

Mikey chuckled and watched me type.

After awhile it got really annoying.

"Do you have anything to ask me?" I said.

Mikey shrugged, and nodded.

"Are you mad at someone?" He asked.

I shook my head and looked back at my laptop.

Mikey reached around and took the laptop.

"Michael give it back now!" I yelled.

Mikey shook his head.

"No tell the truth who are you mad at!" He said.

I groaned.

"I'm mad at you right now for not giving me back my laptop!" I yelled.

Mikey finally gave it back and walked out.

I sighed and continue typing.

How can you be mad at your friend!

Cause she's not telling me something about her and Gee!

I argued with myself.

I closed my laptop and decided to take a nap and get my mind off of Gee and Andy.

I was goin to bed not trustin my bff and bf!
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Sorry it's short and sucks but Brandy just had to make it hard on me! JEEZ JK! Love ya Brandy!