Disenchanted: The Way Things Should Be

Oh my gosh blushing!

Frank had stopped from running to walking.

Him and Brandy were hitting it off well.

When he had let go of my hand he held on tight to hers.

I smirked at them, such a cute couple.

Frank stopped and looked back at me.

“Okay are you ready for this? You make it sound like I’m never coming out! Well its questionable. Okay well just open the door! Don’t say I didn’t warn you!” Frank said in a scary voice.

I smirked and rolled my eyes.

Frank opened the door, and there was the rest of My Chemical Romance.

“Hey guys I found a two girls, one blushes and the other one is hot!” Frank yelled.

“Tadaa!” He said and stepped aside.

When Gerard saw me he smiled and stood up to greet me.

“Hi. Uh hello! I’m Gerard, what’s your name? I’m Ariel, Ariel Sears nice to meet!” I said shaking his hand.

“It’s nice to meet you too, so do want to sit down and talk?” He asked shyly.

I smiled and blushed a little.

“Sure.” I whispered.

He smiled, took my hand and brought me over to a couch.

I sat down but before he did he said, “Those dorks over there are Ray, Bob, Mikey and you already know Frankie.” All the guys waved and smiled then looked back at the videogames they were playing.

Gerard sat down, and stared at me.

I smiled and looked down at my shoes.

Gerard raised my chin and smirked.

“So what’s your favorite color?” He asked.

I giggled, and answered every question he had asked, and him doing the same in return.

After the last question I asked Gerard laughed.

“Wow we’ve been talking for two hours! I’m sorry.” He said apologetic.

I shrugged “Don’t worry about it I had fun talking to you.” I said.

Gerard smiled, and moved a little closer towards me.

Right before he could say anything we heard yelling.

“Damn it Frankie tell your girlfriend to give me back my damn skittles!” Mikey yelled.

I started laughing really hard and all the guys looked at me with strangely.

“Sorry!” I said while laughing.

When I looked back at Gerard he was smirking.

“So please don’t think of me as a stalker or something crazy like that, but I was wondering if I could have your number?” I smiled and nodded my head.

“Give me your phone.” Is said.

Gerard grabbed his phone and handed it to me, I took it then handed mine to his. We both put our numbers in and gave the phones back.

“You can call me whenever you want, when ever you want to talk or something.” I said.

He smirked and got offering his hand I took it and smiled. “Oh my god Brandy looks at the time!” I exclaimed. Brandy looked at her watch and nodded

“Sorry you guys! It was so great meeting all of you but we have to go!” Brandy stated.

All the guys groaned

“Oh come on do you have to?” Bob asked while pouting.

I smiled and shook my head.

“But we like you two, you guys can’t leave!” Mikey exclaimed.

“Were sorry but we have to we both have classes tomorrow and Ariel is suppose to be writing a essay!” Brandy said looking at me.

I had totally forgot thanks for reminding! And ruining the moment!

“How about after 2ish we can all hang out, Gerard has my number and Frankie probably has Brandy so you guys can just call us and well meet up!” I said.

Everyone cheered, “She’s smart! I told you she was!” Mikey said to Frank.

My eyes narrowed at them but then I rolled my eyes.

The guys laughed and decided to walk us to our car after arriving at the car.

I gave everyone a hug saving Gerard for last. He walked up to me and smiled.

“It was really nice meeting you Ariel.” He said.

I smirked and filled the gab by hugging him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and picked me up.

Setting me back down and letting go he kissed my cheek, and whispered “I’ll see you tomorrow Ariel.” I nodded and kissed him back on the check.

He smirked and opened the car door for me. “Bye Ariel, Bye Gerard.” He closed the door and took a step away. Brandy got into the after hugging Frank and we drove away.