Disenchanted: The Way Things Should Be

Take me

{{Ariel's POV}}

I ran with down the stairs with everyone to get outside to the amublance.

When I got down there she was getting loaded up and Frankie was stepping.

He saw me and motioned for me to come along.

"Come on!" He yelled.

I ran to the amublance and got in.

One of gthe guys closed the door and we were on our way to the hospital.

"Frankie I am so sorry!" I whispered.

Franke shook his head and continued to hold on to Andy's hand.

"It's my fault! I shouldn't have kissed you, you have Gee and you want to know something funny? She wasn't even gonna leave me!" He said in hysterics.

I took Andy's other hand and started to pray

For her and Frankie.

When we got to the hospital they seperated us from Andy.

I walked with Frank to the waiting room and just what else waited.

Gee and the others followed shortly after.

They all said sorry to him but he just shook it off.

I decided to walk around by myself.

I couldn't stand being still and I had alot to think about.

Why did you have to be so stupid! I thought to myself.

I was convinced everything was my fault.

Everything that happened seemed to be centered around me, no one else but myself and in the end my best friend got hurt.....cause of me!

I walked out of the hospital into the cold night.

It was raining now.

Perfect for crying.

I walked to the darkest corner I could find collapsed and cried.

Please don't let her die, take me!