Disenchanted: The Way Things Should Be

Don't Leave Me Like This


Everyone tried to talk to me but I just sat there stunned. Even after all of that she was never going to leave me. Gerard said he was going to find Ariel and the rest of the guys sat talking to eachother. Mikey tried saying sorry and I just tried to fight back the tears.

"Who's here for a Brandy?" The doctor came out and asked.

"We are." Bob said raising his hand.

"Is anyone her family? We can only let family visit right now."

Everyone looked at me. I bit my lip and said I was.

"How are you related?" he asked looking at me weird.

"I'm her husband." I said standing up.

"She wasn't wearing a ring." he said looking at me as if i were lying. I was but i need to be with her.

"That's because she took it off to clean it. She was cleaning it and she was tuning guitars. She never wearing tuning them incase she wrecks it." Mikey chimed in. He smiled at me and the docot finally let me see her.

*Andy's Room*

I walked in and saw her hooked up to about ten differnt things. I let a tear slid as the doctor told me what's wrong.

"She lost alot of blood Mr. Iero. There's a chance she wont make it."

"It's all my fault." I whispered.

"I'll be back to check on her later." He walked out of the room and I sat on the chair next to her bed and held her hand. I kissed it and moved my thumb back and forth.

"Please don't die sugar. I need you."

She didn't move. I looked up and her heartrate was still steady.

"Please wake up. I'm sorry sugar. I didn't mean to yell. I didn't mean to kiss Ariel either. I need you to wake up, sugar please wake up for me."


"Please wake up. I'm sorry sugar. I didn't mean to yell. I didn't mean to kiss Ariel either. I need you to wake up, sugar please wake up for me."

I heard Frank talking and wanted to respond so badly but I couldn't.

"Please Sugar. Don't die on me. I know I broke my promise about not hurting you. I never meant to."

I'm sorry Frank. I never meant to hurt you. I need you baby. I wanted to say It's okay but I couldn't. I could hear Frank crying and the beating of my heart. I heard the beeps coming from whatever I was hooked too.

"Mr. Iero, will you be staying over nihgt with your wife?" the doctor said just loud enough for me too hear.

"Can I?" asked Frank. He called me his wife just so he could see me. I'm not sure why he'd put himself through all of that just to be in more pain seeing me like this.



Its been five days and I feel bad for canceling so many concert but I can't leave her. I can't perform like this. I'm not even fucking sure i'm i'm sane right now. I haven't taken my hand away from hers. I sat in the chair looking at her all day. I'm pretty sure somone from the band was in the room with me but i'm not sure who.

"Frank, did you see that..." I'm pretty sure Mikey was in the room with me.

"Yeah." I said not taking my gaze off of Andy, "Go get the doctor. I think she's waking up!"

Mikey bolted out the door to get a doctor and tell everyone.


"Frankie?" She questioned weakly opening her eyes slowly.
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Coment People!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If no ones commenting or reading theres really no point on continuing.

I'm listening to Welcome To The Black Parade right now...how fitting.