Disenchanted: The Way Things Should Be

New Jersey Home


I screamed to the best of my ability when Ariel walked in. She smiled. I looked at her hands and she had a cup of coffee in her hands. She hates coffee...

"Hey." She said quietly.

"Did you bring coffee as a piece offering?"

She smiled and nodded. She walked over to me handing the coffee to Frank who took a drink and then let me drink it. It felt so good to have the warm liquid flow down my throat.

"So...what's happening in the war between your brain and your heart?"

"Frankie walked in the middle of it and started to make-out with my heart leaving my brain speachless. There for my heart had to speak up and it chose Frankie."

She looked at me weird and laughed. We talked for a while then they finally let me go home. Except, I don't have a home. The MCR tour was finished, Ariel subbed for Frankie for a few dates and the only date to be made up was in New Jersey. Ariel had told me how Gee asked her to move in with him. I guess everythings going accourding to plan. Well, her plan I don't have one.

"Sugar, want to stay with me?"

"I'd love too." I smiled and we all got dropped off at the right houses. We were in Jersey already.