Disenchanted: The Way Things Should Be

When you take over the world he's the first to go!

I sat in class waiting for it to end.

So far I had already gotten six text messages from Gerard, and three from Frankie.

“Miss Sears if you would please stop looking at the clock and pay attention to me!” My professor said.

I head snapped over to were he was and nodded.

Note to self, when you take over the world he’s the first one to go

I really did try to pay attention but hey you try paying attention when you get to see the hottest guy every…again!

Only 2 more minutes! Gerard text said.

I smirked and looked over at Brandy, she nodded and looked down at her lap where her phone was.

I started putting away all my things in my bag.

Some of the other kids in the class looked at me strangely.

If only you bitches knew! Was all I could think.!

“YES!” I shouted.

Brandy came over by me and laughed.

“Lets go you whore!” she said.

I hit her and ran out the door.

I ran over to my car with Brandy behind me hopped in and headed to my house.

When we got there Brandy was smiling way to much.

“What the fuck did you do?” I asked.

“Nothin!” She said girly.

I glared at her and just pulled into a parking space.

Getting out the car and heading up the stairs I didn’t happen to see the people following me.