Disenchanted: The Way Things Should Be


{{Ariel's POV}}

It has been one month since I have moved in with my love, Gerard Way.

It has also been one month since I felt good.

For a month I have been sick.

Everyone says it's the flu and I would believed them at first since it was going around for a really long time.

But I really don't think the flu last's one month.

I was home alone today Gee, Frank, and Mikey had decided to go shopping.

Yes I said shopping, but they won't tell us what there buying....stupid boys!

I decided to call Andy to see if she wanted to come over.

Hey Andy.
Hey what's up?
Uh nothin, do you want to come over?
Sure give me a couple of minutes and I'll be there as soon as I can.
Okay sure, umm Andy can I ask you to do me a huge favor?
Ya sure anything.
Can you stop at the store and get me a pregnecy test?
Oh my god your pregnant!
I don't know that!
Sure! Do you need anything else?
Umm no ohhhh ice cream, can you get me ice cream too!
Sure. So pregnacy test and ice cream!
Thanks Andy.
No prob Ari I'll be there soon!

I waited for Andy to come over.

After 10 minutes she was finally here.

"Hey I got it!" She said.

I smiled and took it from her hands.

Looking at the box my heart couldn't help but race.

"Come on Ari you won't know till you tried!" Andy said trying to cheer me up.

I nodded and decided to take it upstairs.

Andy followed.

I followed the directions and had to wait.

~10 minutes later~

"Oh my god Ari it's time!" Andy yelled.

I stood up and walked into the bathroom.

"Oh my god....."