Disenchanted: The Way Things Should Be

Demolition Lovers Now and Forever


"Oh my God..." was all I heard fromthe bathroom she opened the door and stared at the testy thing.

"Is that a yes?"

She nodded slowly.

"You've achived your goal on havign Gerard's baby! Almost, you have 8 months left."

"How do I tell him?"

"And you assume I've done this before? How the hell am I suposs to know! You could drabb him in your room and wait til his taking his pants off and stuff and say 'hey guess what i'm pregnant!"

*Gerard gets home*

"babydoll?" Gerard called from downstairs.

"Yes honey?" i said dramaticly walking down.

"What the fuck are you doing here?"

"Can I not visit my friend?"

"Well, you can, but Frank wants to talk to you. He thinks your at your house."

"Cool. I guess I'll go home then."

I hugged Gerard and said good luck. He looked at me weird and I called up to Ariel.


"Hey Sugar." Frank said as I walked in.

"Hey baby."

"I take it you were with Ariel?"

"Yup. I've got news!"

"Your pregnant?"

"Not me. And how the hell could I be. I'm not suposs to get my heart rate up until next week!" I said in a mocking tone.

"Gerard's Pregnant!" He said then laughed.


"He got Ariel pregnant?!"

I smiled. Frank didn't seem to shocked. To be honest I wasn't either. They did it like every other day. Frank wrapped his arms around me and kissed me pationatly.

"Are you trying to get me into a puddle of mush?"

"Do I give you butterflies?" he whispered in my ear making my knees go week. Luckily he caught me.

"I guess I do." He smiled and picked me up bridal style. "I got something for you."

"You do?"

"Yeah. You sit here and I'll go get it." he said setting my on the couch.

"Here." he said handing me a small box. I opened it and say a cupcake. What was most importany about it was the engagment ring on top of it. Like with little kits they put those plasic rings on top. Thats what he did but this is a real diamond.

"Oh my God." I said looking at him after removing the frosting from the ring.

"Will you be my demolition lover now and forever?" Frank asked on both knees with his hands on my legs.

"Of course."
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Come on! That has to get some comments...that would be adorable!