Disenchanted: The Way Things Should Be

I blame Frankie's sperm

{{Ariel's POV}}

"You know what Andy you said you blamed Gee right for you might be getting pregnant." I said.

Andy nodded.

"I blame Frankie's sperm and your egg and not my fiance!" I yelled.

Andy and Frankie looked at me strangly.

"That was so random Ari!" Frankie said.

I smiled and continued to float.

"Baby?" Gee whispered.

I looked up and smiled at him.

He took me in his arms and just floated with me.

"Must you two always want to bang each other in my pool!" Andy and Frnakie yelled.

Gee and I started laughing.

"GeeGee I'm hunrgry!" I whinned.

Gee spun us around in the water.

"Frank what do you have in your fridge to eat?" Gee shouted.

Awww I'm loved!

"I don't know why?" Frank yelled.

"Cause Ariel and the baby are hungry dumbass!" Gee shouted.

I pushed away from Gee and started swimming to the steps.

"Dude can't she like go to Mikki D's or something why does she have to eat our food!" Frank whinned.

"Cause I have to feed a whole other person you dumbass!" I said swimming past Frank.

Frank sighed.

"Fine make yourself a sandwich!" Frank said.

"Aww thank you so much Frankie! I totally love you for letting make a sandwich basically for myself and the child in my tummy!"I yelled.

Frank flipped me off and went to go bother.....I mean love Andy.