Disenchanted: The Way Things Should Be


{{Ariel's POV}}

"Your friend is evil!" Gee said when we walked into the house.

"How is Andy evil when it was Frankie who walked in?" I asked.

Gee shrugged.

"I don't know but it's fun saying Andy's evil! Plus she thinks our child is a demon child!" Gee stated.

He had a point.....Andy and Frankie were evil!

I walked up the stairs to our room to take a shower.

"Ohh were ya goin?" Gee asked.

I looked down at him to see him following me.

"To take a shower I don't wanna smell like chlorine all day!" I said.

Gee smiled.

"Can I come?" He asked.

I shook my head. Making Gerard pout.

God must he do that face!
don't give in, just look away!
but it's so cute!
Ariel don't do it!

"Fine!" I said.

Gee smiled and we took a shower together.

After getting out and changing into lounge pants and a tank top I decided to call my mom.

Hey mom
Hey Ariel, how are you.
I'm good.
So how's the baby and Gerard?
umm pretty good.
That's nice so any reason why you called?
No I was bored and I can't find Gee in this big house!
That's funny Ari.
Well ya I just wanted to see how you were I'll talk to you later.
Okay, oh wait Ari are you coming back to Wisconsin for Christmas?
Umm I don't know mom i don't want to see grandma.
Come on Ari she won't say anything
Yes she will she thinks I'm a slut for getting kocked up and she's pissed cause she's never met Gee and she hasn't aprroved like that would stop me!
I know honey but please think about I don't think it will be that bad. I mean Gerard doesn't have to come.
Mom! I would never go somewhere without him.
I'm sorry honey, just think about it okay!
Ya whatever I'll talk to you later.

I hung up the phone to see Gee looking at me.

"What?" I snapped.

Gee looked a little taken back and but still walked over to me.

"What's the matter?" He asked.

"My mom wants us to come to Wisconsin for Christmas and I don't want to cause my grandma thinks I'm a slut and she hates you!" I said.

Gee shook his head nad pulled me into a hug.

"Babydoll don't even worry about it, christmas is a long time away. If you don't wanna go we won't!" He said.

I nodded into his chest.

Gee brought me over to the bed and laid me down.

He got in and we just cuddled.

See this is the reason why I love this man!