Sequel: Lose Control
Status: Complete

The Only Exception


Every year, no matter the situation between my parents my birthday wish was always the same; I wished for a love that would never die. Unlike my parents, it was like no matter what my brother and I did, no matter how hard we worked or the eggshells we walked on, they couldn’t stop fighting each other and see us for a change. So when Jason and I turned 18, we left. We didn’t go far, but we got away from them, got our own house in Forks, Washington. Standing beside my brother as we stood in front of our new house, we shared a small look, before racing to the front door. I beat him and claimed the best bedroom in the house. It overlooked the forest behind our house. The view was stunning, the room was stunning, now all I needed was a bunch of shelves for my books, a desk for my laptop and printer and a bed!

“Jas, why do I not have a bed in here?” I screamed at my brother; jumping when he chuckled from behind me.

“Don’t worry my baby sis, its coming. Should be here in like 5 hours, so do you want to paint?” shrugging along with my brother we burst into laughter. We always wound up doing the same thing, must be because of our twin connection. Nodding, I quieted down and hugged my brother. Sometimes, I felt this distance between us because we were no longer connected. Yes, connected; we were born conjoined at the waist and actually had scars from when they surgically separated us. Some days, and I couldn’t speak for Jason, I felt like we barely knew each other despite the years we had spent with each other. Grabbing his out stretched hand we walked out of our new and very empty house and out to our shared Range Rover.

20 minutes later we were arguing over paint for the living room and kitchen.

“No, RED” I swore.



“BLACK” and on it went until the poor scared girl working in the paint store, waved her hands in our faces.

“What about red walls, black trim and black furniture,” she suggested.

Blinking at each other, we shrugged she had a point. Plus our furniture was black. Nodding our head we confirmed it with her and decided on a light blue for the kitchen. Then we ran off and decided on our room colors. By the time we had ran back into each other by the paint machines, we had our paint and brushes and these massive smile on our faces. We were so having fun tonight.

“Living room first!” we screamed paying for our stuff and running to the car. This was going to be so much fun.

1:17 am

Falling onto our black couch we laughed. We were both splattered with red and black paint and fucking exhausted. Falling asleep with a groan I turned on my side.

I was running as fast as I could. I had to get to the meadow. If it weren’t for that stupid Bella girl, he wouldn’t be leaving. If it weren’t for his brother he wouldn’t be leaving, again. I knew he was just trying to protect me, but I wanted to be selfish for once. I didn’t want him to leave me. No matter how stupid it was, I didn’t care if I ran right into the middle of the battle. I had to tell him I loved him and I wasn’t sure if I would see him again. If anything happened to him, I don’t think I could survive.

Bolting up right, I shook my head and ran into the kitchen.

6:09 am

Fuck. Just dream. It was only a dream. Deciding to finish painting my room, I did that in under 20 minutes. My nightmare still plaguing my mind. Fuck. Deciding to just shower and get ready for my day, I showered and dressed. Jason and I might me 18, but we hadn’t graduated yet.

Leaning my back against the cool granite wall of the shower, I groaned at the hot water cascaded down my front. Please, if there are any Gods, let it just be a dream.

8:30 am

Fuck we are so going to be late. “JASON GET YOUR ASS IN THE FUCKING CAR,” he is such a loser, and taking forever.

“Hold your horses sis,” dashing out the front door, he got half way to the car before realizing he forgot to close the door and lock it, so he ran back. Getting in the driver’s side, I laughed. My brother, as much as I loved him, was a retard. “ok go,” Still laughing at him, as he pulled down the visor and became fixing his eyeliner in the mirror I decided to be amazing and turned the wheel spinning us into a parking spot, just so he would mess his makeup up. And a plus I scared the shit out of this blonde bitch that had this stuck up look on her face. Shutting off the car, I grabbed my bag and dashed out of the car, only to stand in front of it, with a superior look on my face as I did a little dance in front of the car.

“Gotcha beotch,” snapping my fingers I threw my hair around and jutted my hip out, hand on it and face towards the sky. In other words, my gangster pose. Straightening up, I smirked and winked at everyone around me as Jason got out, eyeliner smudged. And that is when I spotted him leaning against a silver Volvo, looking completely depressed, a blonde who I could only assume was his girlfriend, looking down at her Jimmy Choo’d feet. Sorry my bad, ex-girlfriend.
♠ ♠ ♠

Character Pictures are in the Character section (momentairly anyways).
I will post her room when I find it (XD)

I hope you enjoyed this. I will have more whenever I can, I do already have othr stories on the go.

Delightful Syn