Sequel: Lose Control
Status: Complete

The Only Exception


Growling I grabbed the son of a bitch and threw him out the door and into the wall opposite.

“Stay the fuck away from my sister,” turning to check on Jill, I bent down and opened my arms. Throwing herself into them, I whispered soothing words while rubbing her back. I knew he hadn’t touched her yet but she would be scared knowing her own mother would sell her for drugs. Pulling back from her I wiped her eyes, “get your stuff we are leaving, right now. Emmett,” I called out knowing he would hear, ‘call a cab to the airport please. Jill when your doe packing call out okay, I’ll be up to help you. I just have to have a word with your mother” kissing her forehead, I got up and walked down the hall, glaring at the piece of trash on my way, I would deal with him in a few minutes. Kicking down her mother’s door I walked in, “Opps my bad I seem to have broken your door.”

Getting right up in her face, I grabbed her hair and pulled her off the bed, “We have to talk Lauren.” Shoving her against the wall I knocked her head to the side with my fist, “You sick fucking bitch. You’re flesh and blood for drugs. I don’t care who you are, who your father is; that shit is not okay and if it weren’t for the fact that I know one day you are going to over dose, I would kill you right now. Fuck the law. I have been molested by someone in my family and its why I don’t mix well with people, but I had the guts to tell someone and it stopped. You however, wouldn’t stop until you are in your grave. I am taking Jill and if I hear one thing from you or I see you anywhere or hear from Jill that you have been in contact or have tried to see her I will rip you to shreds and enjoy every second of it. I will not hesitate to take you to court and have you thrown in prison for neglect and miss-use of parenthood. You sicken me and if it weren’t for the scared little girl down the hall I would beat the shit out of you. But I will settle for that rat bastard out there in the hall.” Punching that stupid bitch one last time I dropped her and walked back towards Jill’s room. Emmett was in there helping her with her belongings so I knew she wouldn’t see me do this.

Bending down, I grabbed his arm and dragged him to the stairs, “This you sick perverted asshole, is what happens to drug addicted pedophiles that mess with my family,” I laughed when the sick fuck actually whimpered. Shoving him down the stairs, I crinkled my nose when I heard a bone break I wasn’t sure what bone and I can’t say I actually cared but it sounded really amazing. Skipping down the stairs, I ignored Emmett standing behind me while I checked that he was still alive.

Rolling him over onto his back, I smirked. Apparently I broke his nose and dislocated his jaw at the same time. “You tell anyone who did this and I will be back. But if I come back you won’t live tell again,” standing up I held my hand out for Jill and grabbed a couple of her bags from Emmett before walking out of the house and to the waiting cab that would take us to the nearest airport. We had to wait a couple hours at the airport before we could get on the plane. I took that as my opportunity to call Jason and let him know I had Jill and to question Emmett some more when Jill feel asleep curled up against my side.

I was still asking him questions when we got to the airport and were greeted by his dad. I was wondering if Rose had told Jason, but didn’t want to ask because that would mean Jason had kept a secret from me and that was something we never did. It was like an unspoken rule; as twins the only thing we kept from each other was our sex lives (not that I had one). Did he keep something like this from me, even after I had explained to him that I was attracted to Emmett? Would he do that?

I hadn’t even realized we were at my house until Emmett opened my door for me. Before I could climb out however, Jill was awake and running at Jason.

“JASEY,” giggling at her nickname for our brother I slowly climbed out and nodded to Carlisle.

“Thanks Carlisle, I appreciate you picking us up and thank you Emmett for getting me there so quick,” I was completely ignoring Jill and her screaming match with Jason over who was more excited to see the other when Edward started snapping at Emmett.

“I can’t believe you Emmett. I don’t care if she guessed you don’t just tell anyone,” growling at Emmett, Edward went to step up against him. I wasn’t having any of that. Getting between the two of them, got right pissed.

“Excuse me Edward, but didn’t you do the same thing with Bella. Yeah, you stick up for your rules until they apply to you. I already knew, or well at least suspected alright. So don’t you dare get mad at Emmett because I confronted him! I might not be able to hurt you but I know someone who can. This has already been a bad day and I am sick and tired of boys. All you do is inflate your egos and act all macho. We’ll you can kiss my big fat cellulite ass,” just for affect I turned around bent over slightly and smacked my ass, “right there bitch,” smirking at him, I grabbed his shirt and tried to pull him towards me and when that didn’t work I pulled myself up in his face, “Back off. As far as I am concerned he didn’t do anything wrong and if you seriously think you can get away without having to apply rules to yourself than you have another thing coming,” letting go of Edward, I walked over to Jason and Jill and joined their little group hug. Yeah this was great. Now what do I do?
♠ ♠ ♠
ok so it's still kind of short.
But we got to see a darker side of Kayden. I loved it when she was yelling at Edward.

So sad news:
I can't post another update for this one until I get some more suggestions for A Fate Unknown, since I post them on the same night. So answer this:

Boy or Girl? And what should Evian call it?

Once I get a gender figured out for Evian's baby both stories will get updated.

On a much happier note: I HIT DOUBLE DIGITS!
