Sequel: Lose Control
Status: Complete

The Only Exception


Jason’s POV

I didn’t want to admit to Kayden that she had had her suspicions correct and that the entire Cullen clan was vampires. I knew she would hate me for keeping a secret from her, especially since I knew, even if she didn’t want to admit it, that she was developing feelings for Emmett.

Kayden had scared the shit out of me when she hadn’t answered her phone at all when I called to check in on her. I mean yes, I knew she would be mad at me for not letting her come to school but she always answered her phone unless she was in the shower or class. By the time the end of the day rolled around I was worried that maybe she had passed out and fallen down seriously injuring herself and was pacing outside my locker. Rose said she would come over to study for our calculus test in a few days and now I had to find my bloody sister.

“Whoa man, slow down. Why so – tense?” Emmett’s hand shot out to stop me from pacing. Instead I turned and went the other way.

“Kay isn’t answering her phone all I get is her annoying answering machine” hitting redial, I held it up for him to hear.

“hey you’ve reached Kayden, obviously I am not answering my phone this could be because, a) I am unavailable, b) I don’t want to talk to you right now or c) I am too busy playing play dough. So leave a message and I will try to remember that I need friends and will call you back if I remember too,”

Shutting the phone I snagged my bag and ran out to the rover, Rose climbing in beside me.

“I’m sure she’s fine; most likely just napping.” Rolling my window down at Emmett’s tap, I nodded hoping Rose was right.

“I think I know where she might be. If she’s there I’ll bring her back to the house,” nodding my thanks, I pulled out of the parking lot and headed home. I know with his speed that he will get there in no time at all.

Gripping my hand, Rose tried to smile at me to ease my worry, not that it worked, “Jason, I am sure your sister is fine. Maybe she can’t hear her phone,”

She had a valid point, but what if something had happened and she was dead. I couldn’t think like that but I just had this sense that something not friendly was watching her. Call it twin sense or whatever the hell you want to call it. I knew something could go wrong and inevitably would go wrong if Kayden wasn’t found soon.

I was pacing the living room running my fingers over the scar left over from when Kayden and I were separated at birth, when I heard talking outside. Giving her a few minutes to finish giggling and telling Emmett she hated him. I knew by the tone in her voice that she was just joking around. But Edward didn’t look so sure. I found it odd that he couldn’t read her mind, or for that matter that none of them had known that Kayden existed because they couldn’t see or hear her in my mind or her own.

“She’s kidding Edward,” I explained listening as the door opened, the fridge opened and closed and they walked in to the living room. Kayden was behind Emmett when he spoke up.

“Got her,” I would have laughed at his expression and Kayden’s had it not been for the fact that she was drinking on pain medication.

Reaching out to take the drink, I shook my head when she pulled it away taking a swing from it. “Was Jason being a worry wart?”

Glaring at my sister and everyone but Emmett, since he was the only one not nodding there head, I started to question him. “You had me really worried sis; you didn’t answer your phone at all when I called,” shaking her head she held up her IPOD before answering her ringing phone. Recognizing the ringtone, I moved closer.

“Hey Jilly-Bean, what’s up?”I could hear Jill in the background sniffing and moved even closer when Kayden put her drink down, “Jilly, Jason is right her tell me what’s wrong?”
I couldn’t hear the conversation, just the sobbing of our younger sister. “I’m on my way right now, I’m handing the phone to Jas and I am leaving right now. Pack only what you need and hide ok baby girl?”

“Ok,” grabbing the phone as Kayden snagged her set of keys and ran outside; I tried to console my little sister.

“Jill, I need you to take a deep breath. Can you do that for me?”
I could hear a door slam on her end, heavy footsteps and Jill beginning to hyperventilate.

“Jill, I need you to calm down. Ok, everything is going to be ok, Kayden is on her way,” not that I was aware of how long it would take her to get to Bonner, Idaho.

“Jasey, mommy sold me for drugs,” stilling, I growled. What the fuck is wrong with people these days; why would you even consider selling your own flesh and blood?

“Baby, I need you to calm down and breath, please do it for me and Kay,” I can only imagine what my sister is going through. Rose was beside me, grabbing my hand. Everyone was looking at me as I paced, concern etched into their faces. “Are you in a good hiding spot?”
Slamming was all I got as a response; slamming and a terrified scream from my ten year old sister.

“Come here you little bitch,”

“Jason-“dial tone. Fuck.

Throwing Kayden’s phone, I cringed when it smashed against the wall. Great now I get to replace that. Sliding down the wall, I looked around finally noticing Emmett had disappeared and Carlisle and his wife Esme had come over.

“Who’s Jill?”

“Edward, really you’re a mind reader, you tell me,” snapping I lashed out at everyone and fortunately my girlfriend backed away, sitting beside me but not touching me.”Jill is mine and Kayden’s younger half sister. Our dad decided during one of his and our mothers regular breaks that he was gonna knock up some prostitute druggie and now poor Jill is paying for it.” Thumping my head back, I let Rose know it was ok to touch me by grabbing her hand.

Taking the hint, she rubbed my knuckles laying her head on my shoulder. Everyone was silent, or at least in my mind it was silent.

I didn’t notice Carlisle get up and leave or the car leave. I was too busy trying to distract myself waiting for Kayden to come home with our baby sister. I didn’t get up until I heard a car pull in to the drive and door open.

Getting up I bolted for the door and down the steps just as Jill popped out of the back seat.

“Jasey,” catching my running sister, I swung her around in circles. There was no way Kayden didn’t know otherwise she never would have made it back in time.

“Jilly billy, ugh I missed you baby girl.”

“I missed you more Jasey,” grinning at her, we fought over who missed more. I was keeping an eye on Kayden however and as soon as Edward got in Emmett’s face I knew I would find out exactly how she felt about him.

Getting right up in Edwards face, she yelled at him and even though I couldn’t hear what she was saying I could see her expressions and when she grabbed his shirt pulling herself up right in Edwards face, I knew exactly how she felt about Emmett; even if she didn’t.

My beloved twin sister may not have been aware of it; but she is in love with Emmett Cullen.
♠ ♠ ♠
YAY, I meant to have this finished and posted Tuesday, same day as A Fate Unknown before I went to my friend's house, but I wasn't sure what to write. I finally finished today, with the help of Angel Devastation, who pushed and pushed and wouldn't let me not write. So thank you.

I decided on A Fate Unknown's baby questions: Evian is having twins but I am still open for names.

On a really sad note, I will be moving end of August, I will be updating but they will be slow. Come the end of August (the last week) I won't be updating until I get everything moved and we have internet at the new house in BC.
