Sequel: Lose Control
Status: Complete

The Only Exception


Jill had been living with us for a couple of weeks; she was registered for school, had gone out for a little league baseball team and had become rather attached to Jasper. It was actually kind of cute, this little ten year old girl (who only went out for baseball because she promised Jason she would), who loved prank and being by herself (like myself) was infatuated with poor emotionally war torn Jasper. Of course Jill was also fond of Alice, Rose, Emmett and Bella (she enjoyed pranking Bella because no matter how many times she did it, Bella still hadn’t learned to expect it). Jilly wasn’t overly fond of Edward but he was growing on her.

I was sitting on the window sill in my room, admiring the way the rain misted over the forest when a throat cleared at my door.

Falling backwards with a shriek, I swore at the man laughing over me, “Fuck you Emmett. That was not cool. Have you never heard of knocking?”

Shrugging, he held his left hand out for me to grab onto. Latching onto it I couldn’t contain my giggle when he pulled me up with ease. Yes, I knew I wasn’t fat, but I knew I wasn’t teeny tiny either.

“I guess, but I – there’s something I want to talk to you about,” nodding, I sat back on my ledge while he sat on my bed. “When we got Jill you said a couple of things, one that I wouldn’t have heard had I been human and the other when we got back; could you maybe explain to me who the hell in your family abused you?” looking anywhere but at Emmett, I shrugged. I wasn’t sure what he was talking about with the second one, but if it was anything like this question, I wasn’t sure I wanted to answer.

Clearing my throat, I scrunched up my eyes “It doesn’t matter. It’s in the past and that’s all that matters. What are you talking about thought when you say I said something when we got back?”

“You think my head is sexy,” rolling his head, he smirked at me.

“Fuck you. I don’t know what you’re talking about,”

Shaking his head he stood up slowly and started to advance towards me, “Really now? You have no idea what I am talking about; I guess I have to punish you for lying,”

Shrieking I slipped to the floor and through his legs towards my door. I was in the back yard when he tackled me to the ground, laughing at my weak attempt to escape. “You don’t know what I’m talking about do you?” shrieking with uncontrollable laughter when he started tickling my sides; he stopped suddenly causing me to sober up quickly. I knew that my blood called to him and judging by the bumping of my heart it was most likely causing him some troubles.

Breathing deeply to try and calm my adrenaline and my rapidly thumping heart I wasn’t paying attention until I felt cold lips against mine. The kiss was deep but slow and by the time I had to pull away for breath, I was not only confused but incredibly light headed.

“Ok so I know what you’re talking about. But kissing me was a cheap way to get me to be honest,”

Startled he burst into laughter again before pressing his lips to mine, “I didn’t kiss you to get you to be honest. I kissed you because I wanted – no had too,”

Pouting slightly I blushed, wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling his head down to mine again. This time I didn’t pull away even when I needed to breathe, I just took a quick breath when Emmett pulled away a little for me. I was aware of him sitting up and pulling me up to sit in his lap but I didn’t move to pull away and neither did he until someone cleared the throat behind him.

Sighing, I mentally cursed my brother who I was now glaring at.

“I just have a quick question,” raising his hands in surrender Jason smirked, “Are you taking her out to night Emmett or can Rose and I go out?”

Taking me out? Looking up into Emmett’s liquid topaz eyes, I held back my grin and waved my hand at Jason. “Go, even if Emmett had asked I made plans with Jill, Bella, Alice and Esme tonight,” shrugging my brother walked off and Emmett looked away, eyes wide trying to look innocent. “But that does mean, if say someone did ask me out tonight, that I could go because Jill wouldn’t be alone,” following his example, I looked away from him but I couldn’t keep the smile off my face.

Clearing his throat he gave a small cough, “Kayden Hansel would you do me the honor of going out with me tonight?”
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SO it's short but there will be another update tonight since it looks like imma be up all night rotating between packing and updating.

Here's a question for you: How do you go out with a vampire if they don't eat?

Marianne (I feel like me today).