Sequel: Lose Control
Status: Complete

The Only Exception

Boondock Saints and an unexpected, unwelcome visitor

I was super nervous. I had showered and was sitting on my bed watching Alice throw my clothes out of my closet at Rose who would say yes or no. Bella was sitting beside me giggling; I think she was happy it wasn’t her for a change that was now being dressed.

Unfortunately for them, I had only an hour left before Emmett was picking me up and Rose was leaving with Jason.

Jill was sitting at my feet letting me play with her hair while I was humming waiting for some clothes to put on when some clothes slapped me in the face.

“Put those on and then we will do your hair and makeup,” nodding at Alice I stood up and started pulling on the dress that was thrown at me. It was probably one of the only dresses I actually owned and I hadn’t worn it since I bought it. I was actually slightly ashamed that the tags were still on.

Sitting my in front of my vanity after I was dressed, Alice and Rose both started on something; Alice my hair, Rose my makeup. I have no clue how long I had been sitting there playing dress up, but I was saved by a knock on the front door.

“I’ll get it,” jumping up from the floor, Jill ran off downstairs. We could hear her opening the door and giggling, “You look very nice Emmett. Now let’s remember if Kaydy bear says no, it means no and if you do anything she doesn’t want to do, I will hunt you down, Em’bear –“

“Jill,” I was half way down the stairs with my bag and shoes on, when I had to stop Jill. As much as I loved my sister and how funny she was at times, I couldn’t let her continue to threaten Emmett. “That’s not how you behave when there are guests.” But Emmett did look nice in dark was jeans and a button up.

“You look great Kayden,” giving him a cheeky smile, I turned so he could see the whole outfit.

“You don’t look to bad yourself Mr. Cullen,” laughing, I bit my lip when he held out a single red rose.

“I really hope you don’t get to cold on the way there,” taking the rose from him, I shrugged and then the floor was gone.

“I’ll just put this in some water,”

“Thanks Alice; are you ready to go?” glancing up at Emmett, I slipped my arms into my sweater.

Nodding his head, he held his arm out for me to take. Slipping mine through it I leaned down and kissed Jill’s forehead, “Behave girly, if you don’t I will hear about it,” rolling her eyes, she grabbed Bella’s hand and started tugging her to the living room which had been set up for a sleepover. Waving goodbye to everyone and glaring at my brother who was giving Emmett the ‘I’m watching you’ face, I followed Emmett down the steps where he stopped.

“I am going to need you to get on my back,” scrunching my brows I blinked, before climbing on his back and then he was off running. But this time I was brave enough to keep my eyes open as the trees slipped past us faster than the speed of light. It was needless to say slightly nauseating but incredible. He came to a stop just outside the clearing I had found,

“Ok climb off and don’t worry I will guide you in,” twirling me to face him when I was standing firmly both feet on the ground, he tied something over my eyes before spinning me again so that I was facing, I assume the clearing and dropped his hands to rest gently on my waist.

“I know you aren’t a big romantic but I wanted this to be somewhat romantic. So I really am hoping you like this because I have never done anything like this before and don’t know if I did it right; let me know if I did a decent job okay,” nodding my head, I waited until he stopped me from walking, head down slightly and undid the blindfold. “Well?”

Glancing around the once amazing gentle clearing, I smiled at the work Emmett had down. There were little lights strung up along the tree lines, flower petals around the grass, some thrown into the pooling waterfall. It was by far the most amazing thing I had ever seen and the one thing that really made me smile was the big screen in front of a couch and projector in front with the opening credits to Boondock Saints playing.

“It’s perfect and that happens to be one of my favorite movies. So for someone who doesn’t do these kinds of things, you did an amazing job,” shrugging he offered me a carefree smile and pulled me to the couch, before pushing me down gently. Sitting beside me he hit the play button on the projector and threw his arm over the couch behind me. He wasn’t touching me, knowing that I wasn’t always comfortable with being touched but by the middle of the movie I was starting to feel brave.

Pulling my feet up onto the couch, I turned myself a little so that my back would lean against Emmett. Taking my hint, he dropped his arm to rest over my shoulder. Snuggling backwards, I ignored the chill from his marble like skin. He knew I had made sure I had eaten before even getting ready for the date, mostly because it drove me crazy having people watch me eat. It was one of my biggest pet peeves.

The movie was almost over, when I spotted a figure standing off to the side.

“It’s ok, it’s just Jasper. I’ll be right back,” shifting so that he could get up, he offered me a smile again before walking off to Jasper. I stopped paying attention to the movie and was watching the two of them interacting when suddenly someone grabbed me from behind and
started pulling me over top of the couch.

Letting out a scream, I bit down on the persons hand and made a mad dash for Emmett and Jasper.

“Come back here you little bitch,” that was a voice I knew and it belonged to someone that I owed a beating.

Spinning on my heel I marched back up to him and drew back my fist before letting it fly into his face. Pulling back my arm again, as he dropped to the ground my arm was grabbed by Jasper while Emmett checked the little prick at my feet. “Don’t worry about it Jasper, you can let go. I’m just going kill him,” startled by my outburst, Jasper dropped my arm allowing me to pounce on DAVID.

Grabbing me by the waist, Emmett spoke quickly to Jasper while I was fighting against Emmett’s hold and screaming my plans at David.”You sick bastard. I am so going to kill you and you are going to take it like a man you little bitch. You tried to rape my best friend and that right there is going to be the end of you.” I was still yelling things about David when I noticed we were outside my house.

“Who the hell is David?”

“I totally ruined our date didn’t I?”

Shaking his head, he grabbed my hands, “No; but seriously who is David?”

Sighing I looked up at him my head slanted slightly to the side, “David used to be a friend until he drugged Kacey and attempted to rape her. The drug hadn’t exactly kicked in and she had screamed bloody murder. She died in a car accident three weeks later; David was driving the other car.” Tearing up slightly I looked away and forced the tears back. Pulling me into his chest he hugged me and his hugs were a hell of a lot fuller than Jason’s; maybe because there just happened to be a hell of a lot more to Emmett than there ever was to my brother.

“It’s getting cold out here, I think it’s time you go in and join in the slumber party,” rubbing my arms to warm them up, I couldn’t help but giggle.

“Maybe, but don’t you think trying to warm me up is a little redundant, since you’re colder than ice. Not that I’m complaining or anything; I think you should just shut me up,” laughing at my little speech, Emmett did just as I suggested and pressed his lips to mine firmly but gently moving them slowly against my own.

Pulling away, he rested his forehead against mine, “Good night Kayden,”
♠ ♠ ♠
Kayden date
Emmett date

Ok so I really hoped you enjoyed the update and I really hope the link to David's picture works. If not let me know and I will find a way to get it to work.

This is also my last update for a couple of days; I will be working on them but I'm not sure if it will get updated before Thursday.
