Sequel: Lose Control
Status: Complete

The Only Exception

First Beach

It had been several days; in fact just over a week since mine and Emmett’s disastrous date and it had been unusually sunny. I hadn’t seen or heard from David since that night, but Emmett had been coming over every night, climbing though my window to stay. He talked with me well through the night and into the early morning before he would leave again.

He told me stories of what his life had been like when he was human; made me jealous when he talked of how Rose had saved him from death, the years they had spent together. I would have to remember to thank her for saving him.

I learned Emmett McCarty Cullen had been turned in 1935 at the age of 20, when he was mauled by a black bear in the Tennessee mountains. I learned of the fate of his last singer and wondered what had driven him to be with me after he explained that I was his singer.
Learning about Emmett’s past was enthralling, it made my nights and I found myself never wanting to sleep for fear of missing some detail.

Of course every night ends and I would spend my sunny days waiting for the night, catching up on homework and playing with Jill. That is until one day even the air conditioner did nothing to dent the heat and Bella proposed we go to first beach in La Push. Emmett had asked that I not go there and I was all for listening to him, but Jill had taken to puppy face pouting and eventually I gave in.

I wasn’t however, okay with actually getting out of the vehicle once we reached the beach in Bella’s ancient truck and sat there in the heat for well over an hour trying not to die. I could tell I was offending Bella and Jill but as soon as her friends came along I knew I had to get out and be with Jill just in case. I didn’t like the way the tall, skinny one was staring at her. But still my loyalties were torn between my family and Emmett.

Opening the door I sighed, Emmett would understand that I had to protect my sister. Gut clenching in fear and regret for not being able to do what he asked, I made my way over to my sister and Bella.

“There you are, Kayden these are my friends, Jacob, Quil and Embry. Guy’s this is Kayden, Jill’s sister,” grinning at me, the ignorant brunette actually had the nerve to act like nothing was wrong. I knew as soon as she said Jacob this was going to be a problem. But for the sake of Jill I wouldn’t say anything. Giving the three guys a tight lipped smile, I put my arm around my sister protectively, glaring at Embry as her continued to stare at her like she was popped out of gods ass.

Following my sister to the water we played around for a couple of hours before I decided we needed to head back it was nearing dusk and getting cloudy so I knew everyone would be at the house.

Jill didn’t want to go and what shocked me was the Bella didn’t appear to be in a rush to get back to Edward. Reminding her that they were all; that is the Cullen’s and Charlie were coming over to mine and Jill’s for dinner and we still had to go make sure my brother hadn’t burnt it down, I pulled Jill to the truck. I wasn’t impressed at all with the way Bella was acting when she seemed to be so in love with Edward; clinging to Jacob like he was her boyfriend. It wasn’t right. I would talk to Edward about Jacob later, better yet instead of hurting him I would speak to Emmett when he came back after Jill was in bed.

Finally we were driving and I was happy that Bella hadn’t noticed my change in attitude towards her. Her and Jill were to busy gushing over how much fun they had had to notice my silence. As soon as my house came into view, I had my seat belt undone and as soon as she parked I was out and running into the house. I needed to shower before everyone came over. Grinning at Jason were he stood just inside the door waiting for us and obviously alerted to our arrival by the trucks noise, I nodded my head upstairs and whispered five minutes before I was up the stairs and in my room getting my towel.

Instead of five minutes, I was fifteen. And Jason was sitting on my bed waiting for me.

Holding my hand up when he opened his mouth to speak, a cross look on his face, I quickly turned my music on so that Bella and Jill couldn’t hear us talking.

“What the hell were you thinking; going to La Push?”

“I wasn’t going to go,” tossing a glare his way I slipped my underwear on under my towel as he turned away so I could get dressed. “I said no but Jill heard Bella and got all excited and pulled that stupid puppy dog pout she learned from you. You know I’m a sucker for it.”

Tossing my towel at his head, I slipped into my jeans and tucked myself into my bra before grabbing a random nice looking shirt. Falling on the bed beside him I smiled quickly, “I sat in the truck for over an hour waiting for them to be finished when Bella’s secret boyfriend and friends came, I had to go stand with Jill because one of them was staring at her weird and she’s ten. That’s not okay,”

Growling at my window made me snap my attention to Emmett where he crouched in my window. Jumping up I skipped over to him and gave him a hug, or well attempted too.

“You went to La Push” rather than asking he walked passed me to sit on my bed head in his hands. “I should have guessed, you smell like a fucking dog,”

Easily offended I sniffed myself; I thought I smelt like a guy since I had used Jason’s Dial again.

“Bella,” was all Jason had to say before leaving me with an angry vampire.

“I don’t smell by the way,” sniffing I looked away from him when he looked up. Suddenly he was in front of me, holding me against his massive 6’5 bulky frame.

“Your right, you don’t. I heard what you said to Jason; I’m sorry for freaking on you.” Rubbing his hands up my back he tucked he head into the crook of my neck, inhaling deeply. It was moments like this when I wondered just how much my blood called to him. “Did those mutts hurt you?”

Mutts? What the hell is he talking about?

“Mutts?” suddenly he pulled away startled obviously he shouldn’t have said that.
♠ ♠ ♠
Jill and Kayden

Oh dear, it isn't looking so good for Kayden and Bella's friendship.

Much Love,

A Fate Unknown will be up within an hour and sad news, both A Fate Unknown and The Only Exception will be ending in about 5 parts. But they are set up for sequels.