Sequel: Lose Control
Status: Complete

The Only Exception

Make my night.

Dinner was turning out to be a mess. Poor Jill got caught in the middle of it. Edward had read Emmett’s mind and snapped a fork that he was eating minimal amounts of food with since he was a vampire but wanted it to look normal for Jill and Charlie.

I was trying to calm everyone down when I noticed Jill was missing and with David in the area I freaked shit. Climbing on the table, I cleared my throat. I already had Jason and Emmett’s attention and no doubt Jasper’s.

“Hey guys,” I screamed out causing everyone to stop what they were doing, including the fighting. “Jill’s gone!” letting Emmett pluck me off from the table I made my way upstairs well everyone took that in. I checked everywhere. Her room, the closets, the cupboards, mine and then Jason’s room; I checked the basement, the attic and anywhere she would fit.

I quickly came to the conclusion that she wasn’t in the house just as everyone snapped out of their daze. Jason of course was throwing a panic fit. Getting back up on the table I cleared my throat again, gaining everyone’s attention.

“Here’s how this is going to work; Charlie I need you to take Bella and Jason into town, you three can canvas there. Look anywhere that would be an out of the ordinary hiding spot. Jason you’re going to tell Bella and Charlie why we have to do this. Go.” Waiting till they were gone, I turned to the vampires in the room. “Edward, can you catch any thoughts from her? Jasper emotional run through please and Alice I would appreciate it if you could look around please,” looking at Rose, Emmett, Carlisle and Esme I shuddered. “Check the woods. Emmett I need you to drive to the border. The La Push border,” if David got my sister I would kill to get her back home.

I could tell by the way that Emmett’s hands clenched on the steering wheel that he was happy about driving me here or the fact that he would have to leave me there so that I could drive to the beach. Jill had loved the beach today and she had found a small collection of rocks that I wanted to look through. They would be a good hiding spot for her.

Stopping suddenly at the line, Emmett got out of the car swearing. Climbing out quickly I ran
around the car, “Emmett what?”

“Mutts,” cursing he swung round to face me just as a growl erupted from the border line.

Turning from facing him, I looked quickly at the russet wolf that had emerged from somewhere and then black, and grey and – holy crap there was a lot of them. Wrapping his arms around my waist he tucked me into his chest dropping a quick kiss to my forehead.

“They will follow you there. You met three of them earlier; Jacob, Embry and Quil. Promise me Kayden if Jill isn’t there you will get back here as fast as you can. I’m going to run the borderline see if she isn’t just in the forest. I’ll be here when you get back.”

Nodding my head, I kissed him quickly and started to climb back into the rover, “I promise.”
For some reason I wasn’t even remotely freaked that the wolves on the other side of the line were people I had just met today. Driving quickly, I headed towards the beach. It didn’t take long to get to first beach, or to get out leaving the truck running in the same spot that Bella had parked today.

I was sprinting towards the rock formation when I ran into a chest. A very big, bare chest.

“What’s going on Kayden?” Embry!

“Move dog, I’m looking for something,” glaring at him I went around him and dropped to my knees in the water to look into the rocks; there was no Jill. “Fuck,” swearing up a storm I stood up and glared at the gathering pack members. “What the hell do you want?”

“My imprint is missing?”

“What the fuck are you talking about? What the hell is an imprint?” shaking my head I changed my mind and started to look around the beach for other places Jill could be.

Grabbing my arm when I went to head back to the truck, completely defeated I snapped. “Get your hands off of me,” it was a clear warning I wasn’t interested in wasting my time.

“We want to help,” I didn’t know this speaker. He was tall and bulkier then the others besides Jacob.

“Thanks but no thanks, our friends are already helping and the only reason Jill is missing is because Bella is a whore and started a fight with Edward over you,” glaring pointedly at Jacob, I growled. I hated this; they were stopping me from finding my sister when David was on the loose.

“Take that back, Bella isn’t a whore,” snarling at me, Jacob bared his teeth. His body was shaking and I knew I hit a nerve.

“Right cause that’s not what you call someone who doesn’t care about their boyfriend while in the company of someone else who they in turn are all over. FUCK YOU,” suddenly he was throwing himself at me and bursting into a wolf. I was frozen but not in fear. Thinking about how much I wanted to cause him pain, I focused on my anger and threw my fist out to punch his nose. Hell if worked with sharks it could work with over sized dogs.

However, I didn’t expect him to go flying back past his friends to rest on the beach pinned to the ground by an invisible force.

“I have to find my sister before David does. Anybody want to try and stop me?” Embry looked like he wanted to fight me over it. “You will explain this ‘imprint’ thing later when I damn well feel like coming back,” snapping at them I ran back to the rover, wandering what the hell had happened. Picking up my blinking phone I called Jason back.

“Hey Jason, she isn’t at the beach. Anything on your side?” stopping just after the border I slid over the seat to the passenger side as Emmett hopped into the driver’s seat. “Nothing, hold on there’s another call coming in?” flipping to my second call, I sighed when Alice’s voice filled my ears.

“She’s in a meadow, but she isn’t alone. Jasper and I are on are way up there.” Hanging up when I thanked her I flipped back to Jason and let him know before hanging up the phone and looking at Emmett.

“I’m sorry I took so long. I had a small complication,” explaining everything that had happened, I looked up at him, lacing our fingers together over the middle seat. Stopping in front of my house, he pulled me over the driver’s seat and wrapped me up on his back before running to the meadow. He hadn’t said anything yet about what had happened and I was afraid that he was upset with me. He didn’t stop running until he reached the edge of the meadow where he put me down.

“Get Jill and head back this way. I am taking care of this bastard once and for all.” Nodding my head, I was surprised when he dropped a kiss to my lips. Before heading in to what appeared to be a battlefield! However, I couldn’t grab my sister until the red head put her down.

Maybe what happened on the beach would work again. Focusing on the red head, I let all my anger out on her.

Screaming in pain she dropped Jill and clutched at her head. Gesturing Jill my way, I grabbed her hand and made sure we got home. Emmett, Alice and Jasper could take care of them in the meadow.

As soon as we hit the backyard, I stopped running and Jill stumbled into me.

“I’m sorry Kaydy bear. I just didn’t want to hear the fighting that I needed somewhere to hide but I didn’t want to be seen.” Shuddering with her tears, I felt bad for what I was about to do.

“Jill, you had everyone worried. We looked everywhere for you. You did something bad and now I have to be a big girl and punish you. You’re grounded; no phone, no TV and no computer for a week. You know I hate being serious but I have too this time. Don’t do it again please.” When she nodded, I sighed and pulled her into a hug, picking her up just as Emmett, Jasper and Alice ran into the backyard. Picking her up, I carried her into the house.
Emmett plucked her from my grasp when I caught sight of the police officer standing in my living room, Carlisle and Esme beside him.

“I am sorry to interrupt you evening Ms. Hansel; I’m Officer Hewitt from Vancouver. It appears that there has been a very recent death in the family. I am sorry to inform you that your parent’s, Mr. and Mrs. Hansel have passed on,”

Snorting in annoyance; I grinned at Officer Hewitt, “Don’t be surprised that I am not upset about it. Tell me it wasn’t easy and peaceful and you will officially make my night,”

Blinking in surprise, I turned to see Jason standing there arms crossed.

“It appears as if they attacked each other and wound up killing each other.”
Smiling I thanked the officer and escorted him to the door. That just made my night.
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TA DA. So there is lot's of drama in this and I was bored so I added lots about what Kayden has buried underneath that will play a big part later on in the story.

It's long today and there will be another up tonight as well as A Fate Unknown that I shall now commence working on.

Much Love,
<3 Devon