Sequel: Lose Control
Status: Complete

The Only Exception

With these words I seal my fate.

Two weeks had passed since Jason and I had received the news of our parents “untimely” death. Today Esme was taking Jill so that we could drive to Vancouver and deal with our parents stuff and the house that held no memories for us. But before we could leave, I had one thing to take care of.

Approaching Emmett as he stood talking to Edward, Jasper and Jason in the hallway at school Friday, I giggled at what I was about to do. Slipping my arms around his lean waist, I cleared my throat.

“Hello boys, would you mind if I stole this wall here for a few minutes. I am just so tired after today,” giggling as they chuckled, I walked around Emmett and fell against him dramatically.

“Oh dear it appears this wall happens to not be a wall at all, but my boyfriend. Whatever shall I do now?”

Bursting into laughter over my actions as I pretended to swoon and fan myself, I fell back into Jasper. “Help me Jasper I think I am going to melt,” chuckling in response, Jasper righted me and shook his head.

“How are you going to melt exactly?”

Dropping my jaw, I scoffed “Easy. He’s going to eat me while no one is looking.” Laughing at my response, I realized what I had said just as everyone else did. “Oops, that wasn’t what- never mind,” coughing to cover my flaming cheeks, I went to stand in the corner behind Edward. Taking a couple minutes, I risked a look over my shoulder at them and burst out laughing at their still figures and frozen expressions. It was priceless.

When I felt I had calmed down enough I left the corner and skipped up to Emmett. Poking his face, I struggled to hold in my laughter as Alice, Rose and unfortunately Bella joined. “I was wondering Emmett, since you’re standing so still and your lips are starting to look blue, if you would like to try that date again?” shifting his head to look at me, he blinked rapidly even though he didn’t need too.

“All that drama just to ask me if I would go on a date with you?”

“No silly, all that drama cause I was bored and technically I’m asking for a re-do since our first got ruined by someone” someone that I had been told was no longer a problem. Thank god.

Shaking his head at me, Jason wrapped an arm around a grinning Rose and headed out to the parking lot; they were going to get Jill and drive her to the Cullen’s while Emmett drove me to the house to grab our weekend bags. We would be staying in Vancouver for the weekend and if everything wasn’t dealt with within that time period, then we would do it over the phone.

Slipping my hand into Emmett’s much larger one, I entwined our fingers and started pulling him out of the school. Everyone stared at us, which was funny because we had been together for a while now and everyone still stopped to stare at us. Looking up I met Emmett’s smile.

I know he was worried about Jason and I driving to Vancouver but I didn’t want to invite him to come because I didn’t want to show him the dark side of my past and that was all that lay in Vancouver, in the home I had grown up in. If it were up to me I would burn all of it to the ground and say fuck you, but Jason was adamant that we at least take a look through and see if there was anything we wanted to keep. I only agreed because I had forgotten some things in the attic. Things that I would never share with anyone and for that matter that could be burned or buried deep somewhere no one would ever think to look.

Helping me into his massive Jeep, he ran round the front to his side before climbing in. I loved it when he ran at human pace; it just looked uncomfortable for him.

Grabbing my hand again, he started the Jeep up and started to pull out of the school lot. He wasn’t driving as fast as he usually did which lead me to believe that he was taking his time with me.

“Would you be horrible upset if I followed you guys to Vancouver?” of course, my trip was bothering him.

“Yes Emmett, I would be” I hadn’t realized just how quiet I had been in my response until he turned the music off.

“Why?” scrunching his face, he looked both concerned and upset. “Is there someone in Vancouver?”

Startled I snapped my gaze to his. He was jealous. I could tell by the way he wouldn’t look at me or the way he held my hand limply in his own. The plains of his face were hard as if he had made his mind up on something he didn’t like.

“Pull over,” jumping slightly at my tone, he did just that. Dropping his hand, I undid my seat belt and shifted until I could face him on my knees. Crawling over the seat’s I stopped right beside him and took his sculpted face in between both of my hands, “Not only is there no one in Vancouver I would ever care to see again, I can’t believe you would actually think that I would ask you to re-do our date if I was going to run back to someone else’s arms. I am highly insulted, Emmett fucking McCarty Cullen, how dare you? Should I be worried that once Jason and I are gone you and Rose are going to jump each other’s bones because she isn’t breakable like us, because the thought has crossed my mind on many occasions? I see how hard it is for you to control your strength around me Emmett and I worry that I am only setting myself up for heartbreak by continuing to care about you. Please don’t make me wrong,” searching his surprised face for any sign that I was right, I nodded before smashing my lips to his; claiming him entirely as my own. I wouldn’t share and I think he got that.

Pulling away from me, he leaned his head against my shoulder while I wrapped my arms around his.

“I’m sorry Kayden, I didn’t mean for you to feel that way,” if he hadn’t been so close, I wouldn’t have heard him at all, was how quiet he whispered against my skin.

“Me too Emmett, I don’t want you to worry about me. I just – I’m not ready to share my past with anyone and I’m scared that if I get too attached then when you find out that you’ll leave me,” Vulnerability was the only thing I could think to describe how I was feeling at this very moment.

“I won’t ever leave you, I’m not strong enough too,” offering me a small smile, he pecked my lips one last time before shifting me so that I was right against him so that he could hold me with his arms on either side and still drive. It took us ten minutes to get to my house and Emmett asked me to stay put while he grabbed ours and Jill’s stuff; only giving me more time to think. I knew exactly how I felt and I knew that I had to tell Emmett. It was a big thing for me to feel this way let alone to share it. Of course it was a big thing for me to be in a relationship let alone one that had last seven weeks so far.

I wasn’t aware of Emmett putting the bags in the back and climbing back into the driver’s seat, I knew when he put his arms back around me and kissed my cheek but that’s only because I was that aware of him. I didn’t realize we had reached his home until he pulled me from my seat and set me on my feet.

“You going to come out of your thought yet?”

Snapping out of them I playfully glared at him as I grabbed mine and Jill’s bags while he snagged Jason’s. Hugging Jill quickly I handed her the black bag she had packed the night before. She was ungrounded and happy about it and much to my dismay asking to go back to La Push.

But sadly, Jason and I had to leave right away if we were going to catch the border before it closed. Hugging everyone, I made sure to squeeze the hell out of Jill. I had asked that everyone make sure she didn’t go to La Push and told her to be careful and do as she was told before Emmett pulled me aside to the rover.

Pulling me against his chest, he just held me for a few minutes before starting to speak.

“Promise you’ll be safe and you’ll stay safe,” nodding my head against his rock hard chest I held back my tears.

“Emmett,” it was now or never.

“Mhm, what’s up Kayden?”

“I love you,” with those three small words I let all of my walls come down and sealed my fate. I would forever belong to Emmett McCarty Cullen.
♠ ♠ ♠
SO what do you think? With three updates left, I feel excited but depressed to see my babies end.

Much Love,
<3 Devon