Sequel: Lose Control
Status: Complete

The Only Exception


Just as I was arriving back at the hotel room, Jason was finishing his hair – freshly dyed hair. Instead of the blonde that he had had in it before it was now his usual dark brown almost black. I was surprised that he had done it.

“You like Kayden?” nodding my head, I grabbed a dress and made my way into the bathroom. I needed to fix my hair and makeup before we could leave, but I was way faster at getting ready then Jason was. I often wondered if he got more of the estrogen then me.

Twenty minutes later we arrived at a slightly fancy restaurant and since our birthday was two weeks away, Jason said it was an early birthday treat. Mr. Andrews and Mrs. Livingston were already there and we were all seated quickly.

After reading through the contract and signing where required the house and everything in was handed over to Mrs. Livingston and a cheque placed in front of me to put in my bag. I figured we could deposit it and be gone later tonight and on our way home.

We had a glass of wine each and ate before long we were finished and saying goodbye.

Thanking Mrs. Livingston one last time Jason and I headed out back to the hotel. This time we took our time and I guess in a way we were saying goodbye to everything around us. If we never say Vancouver again, our lives would be complete.

Packing both mine and Jason’s stuff in the room while he checked us out, I quickly made my way down to the elevator at the end of the hallway and down to the lobby. Giggling with Jason we climbed into the rover and started the roughly four hour drive home.

I was deep in thought when Jason swore and swerved to the right smashing into the guard rail and rolling us down a hill. Unfortunately, the air bags didn’t deploy when they should have and I smashed my head against the dash board. My last conscious thought being that Jason wasn’t wearing his seatbelt and then I slipped into the blackness.

Snapping my eyes open with a start I became aware right away that I was bleeding and badly. The second that Jason wasn’t in the car with me and the third was the silence. It was to quiet and still outside of the car. I could see a hole in the windshield and immediately reached to undo my seatbelt to get out of the car before it could explode or something.

Crawling out the gaping window beside me I looked around gasping for air.
I could see the prone figure of my brother not far from to my left and started to make my way that way. By the time I reached him I was so out of breath I knew we weren’t going to make it.
I was dragging myself the last few feet to Jason and I collapsed next to him. Looking into his pain filled grey eyes; I shifted to look up at the sky and grabbed his hand. At least we would leave this world as we came into it; as twins.

With one final breath I let out the name of the one person I wanted to see one last time “Emmett”

Death came slowly, inching its way up my still body, I could still hear Jason gasping for air so I knew I wasn’t dead when I heard something move in the trees.

The wind was whispering, slowly casting a breeze over the two of us and I swear I could hear my name on the breeze as it flowed across, “Kayden,”

Shuddering at the cold suddenly on my face, I opened my eyes slowly but instead of seeing the blackness of the night sky I saw a pair of topaz eyes.
♠ ♠ ♠
The final will be up soon like maybe twenty minutes and then I will start working on the sequel.

Thanks to all of my readers, commenter's and subscribers. Skittles for all of you.

Much Love,
<3 Devon