Sequel: Lose Control
Status: Complete

The Only Exception

Mouth Shut

I hated school; aside from certain classes I wish I could just skip the whole damn thing. Jason and I were from Canada and where we were, we only had to take Phys. Ed until grade 10. Here at Forks High, home of the Spartans, we had to have it all through high school; which means I would be embarrassing myself in front of a co-ed. P.E. class. Great, just what I needed on my first day. Maybe I could play the sick card. I guess I was mumbling, because I looked up and met my brother’s glare. Ok, no sick card.

“What, you can’t honestly blame me for thinking that. You know as well as I do that me plus P.E. just don’t mix; AT ALL!”Unless it was soccer; I was actually fairly good at soccer so long as I was in goal. Heading to our lockers, which were right beside each other, Jason shook his head at me when I popped my tongue out at him. Grabbing my English Literature book from the pile I had thrown in this morning when we had gotten our schedule and locker, I slammed it shut. After Lit. we had lunch and after lunch I had history, while Jason had Calculus and then while he had advanced chemistry, I had creative writing and then finally at the end of the day, last period was entirely devotedjoy to Physical fucking Education. Which we had together and hopefully that made the class a little more enjoyable.

“Queue inspirational music,” as soon as Jason said that Eye of the Tiger came to mind and soon I was singing under my breath with a little head bob. By the time we reached the right classroom, after getting turned around twice (I swear guys either have to learn to listen to girls or ask for directions) the song was over and we were two minutes late. Opening the door for me Jason stepped aside.

“Oh sure let me in first, asshole,” smirking at the middle aged male, that I am going to assume was the teacher, I handed him my paper before shoving my ass back (only when he was distracted) into Jason so he stumbled back into the hallway, “excuse my brother, he’s very clumsy.” Taking back my paper, I shifted to Jason could get in too. Glaring down at me I pulled a whole ‘I’m super cute and innocent, you can’t possibly stay mad at me,’ complete with wide grin and rapidly blinking eyes. Yep, I am just that good.

Shaking his head, Jas accepted his slip back just as the teacher directed us to where we could sit.

“Mr. Hansel, if you would sit beside Ms. Cullen and Ms. Hansel if you would take a seat beside Mr. Cullen and Ms. Swan,” raising my brow at him I shook my head. How am I supposed to know who the hell these people are?

Turning, I looked at the class still shaking my head, but now I was mumbling under my breath. “Stupid man, how am I supposed to know where I’m sitting? Come to think of it how do I even know this isn’t a dream? Or that I’m not who I think I am?” sitting beside a blushing brunette, who I really hoped was Ms. Swan and the very big buff guy from the parking lot. If I knew at a distance that he wasn’t human up close and personal he took my breath away.
Leaning over, the girl held her tiny petite hand, “I’m Bella Swan,”

“Oh, the police chiefs daughter; It’s nice to meet you, I’m Kayden,” shaking her hand, I giggled at my brother’s face. He was looking at the girl beside him with this stunned and completely taken off guard facial expression. It was hilarious. Glancing to my left, I offered Mr. Cullen a smile. I wasn’t completely sure how he would react to my kind gesture and I was a little surprised when he gave me a very wide open smile.

“Emmett,” giving him a bigger smile, I couldn’t help but grin. Even though I was at school, I was happy and actually enjoying myself. There was no worry about going home to fighting parents or the most uncomfortable atmosphere to live in. Just me and Jason.
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Well I hope you liked, I am already working on the next part.
