Sequel: Lose Control
Status: Complete

The Only Exception

Oh don't say that!

Jason and I had taken a window ledge in the cafeteria avoiding all life forms. We just sat there my legs over his lap and out trays balanced on my legs. Taking a bite of his apple, Jason was recounting an imaginary tale that he most likely pulled out of his ass, since all he had in his head was fluff.

“He says to me, he says ‘If your Jack Daniels than I must be the fucking Queen of England and baby I am so royally hard for you’ and I was all, ‘Whoa man, I am so not gay’ and he says to me ‘I know, that’s why I’ll do the taking and you do the giving’. Funny huh?”

“You are so sick Jason,”

“I agree,” snapping my attention to Bella and the girl Jason had been sitting beside in Lit. class.

“Oh hey Bella, Alice right?” nodding her head, this petite, pixie featured brunette smiled. Holy crap, those are some pearly whites. “What can I do for you ladies, since my brother is a nasty ass pervert?”

“Join us at our table for lunch,” shrugging I picked up my tray and Jason grabbed his before I could stand up and make him lose his food.

“Sure, I can handle joining you lovely ladies,”

“And I’m the pervert,” Jason mumbled under his breath.

Stopping at a table filled with people I recognized from this morning, I knew right away exactly what they all were; abnormally pale skin, stunning turquoise eyes and bags under their eyes like they hadn’t slept in weeks.

“Ok so Kayden, you met Emmett in class, beside him is Jasper, Roselie and Edward. Guys; Kayden and Jason.” Alice spoke taking a seat between Emmett and Jasper.

“Yo what’s up dogs?” plopping down in my gangster mode I grabbed my crotch. I was sitting beside Emmet and Jason was beside Bella and Roselie.
“Are you grabbing your crotch sis?”

Straightening up I shook my head and scoffing, I waved away his question, “No, psh I am massaging my imaginary balls,” glancing down at the table I moved my hand, “sorry that’s so not appropriate. But I so made your day,” pointing at Emmett, I grinned at the smile on his face. “Yeah, I am so that amazing,”

We were halfway through lunch when Jason started to tell a story. Of course it happened to be the one where he made a hole in the floor, hoping mom and dad would fall through, but I had. I know great right?

“So anyways, she fell through the hole in the floor and like ran around screaming about how she was going to die because she had a massive piece of wood in her arm from the coffee table,”

“He put the hole in the floor and I repaid him in full,” giggling a little bit I remembered exactly how I had repaid Jason.

“She threw me into the TV and then it fell on me.”

Nodding my head with a massive grin on my face, I reached across the table and we bumped fists, “Good times, good times!” jumping up when the bell went, I stretched lazily as Jason laughed at me. “What do you know time to wake up!”

Running out of the café, I dashed back and picked up my bag.

Emmett’s POV

Whoa, these two are definitely twins. They have this deep connection that anyone can see if they actually care to look beneath the surface. I guessed we were going to be seeing a lot of Kayden and Jason, because Rose and Jason had been flirting all through lunch, unless he was telling a very animated story with Kayden.

Speaking of Kayden, there was something so innocent but all knowing about her. I felt like she knew me, underneath all the masks; like she could just peel away the layers of lies that had built up over the years. I wonder if we have any more classes together.

Roselie’s POV

Jason was so captivating. From his piercings to his eyes, the way he dressed and carried himself. I felt bad about breaking up with Emmett, but you don’t bet against Alice.

There was something about his sister though. I couldn’t put my finger on it. If I hadn’t known they were twins I would have thought they were dating. They each had something about them. Kayden looked like she could see to the very bottom of your soul and Jason could look at you and everything would be forgotten; but maybe that last one was just me.

I could tell Emmett couldn’t settle his mind on wither he was going to be upset about us or if he was going to explore these things he was feeling for Kayden. On the topic of Kayden; I wondered and I know everyone else was wondering too, why Alice hadn’t seen her coming to Forks? Why Alice hadn’t known she even existed? Why Edward couldn’t read her mind? She was strange; actually both of them were strange. But that didn’t mean I wasn’t going to do my best to get together with Jason.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok so here is part 4. I hope you liked it.
If you hadn't guessed, this is a Seperation romance story, Kayden and Emmett, Jason and Roselie.
Anyways I really hope you enjoy it. AND let me know.
Much love,

Did you guys catch the hints in there for later in the story?