Sequel: Lose Control
Status: Complete

The Only Exception


We were walking back to the house, Emmett telling me all about his family and what they did to fill their time since they didn’t sleep and explaining some of the special abilities that some members had.

“Wait so that’s why Jasper’s face is always contorted in pain; he’s getting an emotion overload,” nodding his head, he laughed at my expression. Poor Jasper!

“Yep, actually and Edward can read thoughts. Everyone’s except Bella’s and yours apparently. He didn’t even know you were coming. He thought it was just Jason. You would think that somewhere in Jason’s mind you would have been present but you weren’t and it was the same with Alice’s vision; she didn’t see you at all. And when Jasper is around you all the emotions he is being bombarded with just dull, they are there but they aren’t as bad.
You are astonishing.”

Blushing I looked away from his gaze. Great, not only am I strange, I am a rare oddity and that is why they all like hanging out with me. “That’s great Emmett. I’m glad I can help,”

As if sensing my sudden change in mood he stopped walking and gently pushed my chin up, “Why are you so down? You aren’t thinking that we only hang around you because you dull everything out are you; because if you are, you’re mistaken. We like you, your fun and make our boring days nice to live again. We like you,” offering him a soft smile, I started walking again, or well rather skipping. Laughing at me, Emmett started walking again, his long strides easily matching my skips.

“You know if I didn’t know better Emmett, I would say you read emotions and minds,” giggling I took off running as my house came into sight. Halting at the stairs giving Emmett a glare from where he stood leaning against the porch, “I hate you,” saying you hated someone while smiling kind of eliminated the hate.

“Yeah sure you do,” walking into my house; I slinked in behind him making sure no one could see me and pulled him to the fridge grabbing myself a cooler, I smirked and followed him into the living room. “Got her,” and then the traitor stepped away, removing my block.

Glaring at him I smiled at everyone else, taking a swing of my drink.

“Was Jason being a worry wart?”

Everyone started nodding their heads but Emmett. “You had me really worried sis; you didn’t answer your phone at all when I called,” shaking my head I held my IPOD just as soon as my phone started ringing. I dashed for it because it was Jill’s ringtone and she rarely ever got to call.

Snapping my phone open I hit talk, “Hey Jilly-Bean, what’s up?” all I could hear were sniffs.

Putting my drink down I waved my hand at Jason, “Jilly, Jason is right her tell me what’s wrong?”

Sobbing, Jilly started to explain in broken sobs what had gotten her so upset, “Mommy sold me for drugs. I’m scared Kayden can you come get me,”

“I’m on my way right now, I’m handing the phone to Jas and I am leaving right now. Pack only what you need and hide ok baby girl?”

“Ok,” giving the phone to Jason, I grabbed my keys and walked right out of the house. I didn’t care that I wasn’t wearing shoes or that I didn’t have my phone in case of emergency. I had money for gas in the rover and I wasn’t stopping unless I had too. I had to get to Idaho and fast.

I was maybe just outside Forks when something opened the passenger door and climbed in.

“Don’t ever run off like that Kayden. Jason is pissed that you didn’t wait for him,”

‘Emmett now is not a good time. I have to get my ass to fucking Bonner, Idaho to get my little sister, who is ten years old and has just been sold by her own fucking mother for money for drugs. I am not in the best mood and it should take me nine hours to get there. I cant do this right now Emmett so unless you have a brilliant suggestion in that sexy head of yours than please shut up and let me drive.” I was on edge. I wasn’t going to make it on time the only thing I could think and then Emmett did something that completely surprised me. He pulled me onto his lap while sliding under me to the driver’s seat pulled over and shut the rover off.

“Emmett fucking Cullen, what part of I don’t have time for this did you not understand?”

“All of it. Edward is going to come get your truck. I am running you to Bonner Idaho and we will get your sister and fly back ok?” opening the door he climbed out still holding me, shifted until I was on his back and started speaking to me again, “You may want to close your eyes,”


“I am going to be running at vampire speed but I don’t want to freak you out over the speed. We’ll be there roughly in like 30 minutes,” following his advice, I quickly shut my eyes and made sure that I was holding on tightly. I didn’t even realize he was moving until my hair started whipping around my face. “So what is your sister like? And why did you say her mother, don’t you have the same one?” shaking my head against his neck, I turned my face so it was close to his ear.

“No, our dad had a brief affair during one of his and moms rough spots ten years ago and along came Jill. She’s a lot like me. She likes being alone and loves nature and is a little prankster. I love her to pieces and I would do anything for her. Even if it meant dying; I would do it,” I meant every word I said. For Jason and Jill I would give my life for them in a heartbeat.

“I feel the same way about my family. Rose saved me from death and I will be eternally
grateful to her for the rest of my existence. They are my life and I love them all. I know with Rose the love I thought we shared wasn’t what I thought it was but I don’t mind surrendering her to your brother. They are meant to be together and I won’t hold a grudge over that.” I hadn’t noticed he had been slowing down until he stopped. “Is this it?”

Nodding my head against his neck, I grinned. Running was so much faster. Releasing my legs, I let them fall to the ground and ran towards my sister’s house. I debated on knocking and not knocking but decided knocking might have been the better idea. Did I knock however? No, I did not I opened the door and ran up the stairs, screaming for Jill. I knew where her room was from a previous visit and that is where I went. As soon as I opened the door, I let out a growl stopping the man standing over my sister’s shaking body.

Please tell me I wasn’t too late.
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Viola. I hope you enjoyed. When I went to post I thought it was longer than 1,216 words.

I hope you enjoyed. I had hoped to post another tonight but I unfortunately, have a test tomorrow morning and will have to go to bed soon. But tomorrow night I will be celebrating being completely finished with an update in a couple stories (maybe this one and A Fate Unknown if I can get 5 comments)

As always,