Arranged Marriage? Heck No!

Chapter Five

Samantha's POV

Oh no! In all this excitement I had forgotten to call my two best friends in the entire world, Kailee and Karina. I looked over. After a ten minute make-out session, Robert went to the other side of the limo and took a nap. He was still sleeping so I figured he wouldn't mind if I made a quick call. "Hey Kailee. Hold on just a second. I need to get Karina on conference call." "Kay. Hurry! I wanna know what's up!" "Hey Karina. Kailee's on too." "Okay," replied Karina.
"What did you want to talk to us about?" asked Kailee. "Well, umm, will y'all be my maids of honor?" "Sure but we still have like ten years for that. Why are you asking now?" asked Kailee. "Well actually, try ten weeks," I replied. "Why are you getting married?" asked Karina. "It's arranged." "With who?" asked Kailee. "Umm. RobertLindleyKaileeI'msosupersorryit'snotmyfault!" "Wait...Who?" asked Kailee "Robert," I whispered. "Oh."
"Umm, I'll let y'all talk. Love y'all," said Karina. "Love you too," Kailee and I replied at the same time. Karina hung up. There was silence for a few seconds. "Do you still love him?" I asked. "I don't know, Samantha." "I'll be fine with it if you don't want to stand in my wedding. I really want you to but if it would be too difficult..." I trailed off. "No. Samantha, we vowed to each other that we would be in each others weddings." "Are you sure?" I asked. "Positive," she replied.

Kailee's POV

I can't believe her and Robert are getting married. In all reality, I don't love him anymore but it still hurts. I'm happy she is getting her happy ending, well sort of.I mean, I know she likes Hayden also but even though we never talked about it, I knew she still loved Robert.

Robert's POV

I woke up to Samantha talking to someone. "I'll be fine with it if you don't want to stand in my wedding. I really want you to but if it would be too difficult..." I heard her trail off. Who the hell is she talking to? "Are you sure?" she asked. "Okay, well get ahold of Karina and tell her I'll send the details when I found out." "Thank you." "I love you too. Muah. Buh-bye." She hung up her phone. "Whew," she said. I yawned and sat up rubbing my eyes like I had just woken up.
"Hey Babe. Whatcha doin'?" I asked. "Oh, hey Sleeping Beauty," she laughed, her blue eyes twinkling. I love her laugh almost as much as I love her. "Sleeping Beauty woke up when her true love kissed her. You didn't kiss me," I replied pouting. "Well then go back to sleep," she replied coyly. "How about you just go ahead and kiss me without me going back to sleep." "Nah. I'm good," she replied. I got up and walked to her, bent over the whole way. "Well then how about you go to sleep?" I whispered into her neck seductively. "No thanks," she whisper-laughed into my ear.
I moved my face away form her neck and put my hand at the back of her neck, pulling her towards me. I placed my hand under her chin and lifted her face up to mine. I softly kissed her then backed away. This time she kissed me, much more passionately though. After kissing for about two minutes we both pulled away. I placed my forehead on hers and stared deeply into her eyes.
"We're about fifteen minutes away Mr. Lindley," said the chauffeur, Jon, interrupting our moment. "Thank you, Jon," I replied. "Well we should probably start putting ourselves back together. Especially you. Your make-up is really messed up," I laughed. "Shut up. It's your fault!" she replied. "Yeah. It is my fault, huh?" I said jokingly. I really love this girl.
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Sorry guys. I know it's not that good. I'm trying though. As always, constructive criticism, comments, blah blah blah.
-ILY- my marvelous readers and subscribers and commenters!