Status: Short, frequent things of chapters.

Heavy Heart

the edge of the cliff

Quinn grabbed her phone, dialing a number she had memorized.

“Hello?” Quinn forgot how nice his voice could sound.

He never used this voice with her anymore.

“Tyler? Don’t hang up. Please.” Her own voice was so small it could be a child’s.

“What the fuck do you want? You have twenty seconds.” Quinn winced at the change in his tone, and swallowed the lump invading her throat.

“You win,” she told him before hitting the end button.

It took everything she had to keep from crying, but after two minutes, everything wasn’t enough for the world, and she laid down on her floor, letting the carpet soak up the salty water. She cried silently, except for the occasional sniffle or cough, and she wished for a hand to rub her back and lips to whisper soothing lies into her ear. She wasn’t surprised when neither came, but it seemed to disappoint her still.

She didn’t want to be alone, not now. Not when she was so close to the edge of the cliff, not when the end of the rope was near: but we don’t always get what we want.
♠ ♠ ♠
Quinn did try not to cry, she really did.
But her 'everything' wasn't much in the first place.

We're coming to a close, soon.