Status: Coming back

Right Girl

My Secrets Out

John came to the house as promised the next day. But what I was not expecting was to see Shane with him. Not that I was disappointed or anything.

“Good morning” I greeted letting them.

“Morning” They said together.

“How are you today?”

“I’m good and you beautiful?”

“Great. I was actually going to have breakfast. Do you guys want some?”

“YES!” Shane screamed excitedly running to the kitchen.

Before I went to the kitchen, John gave me a kiss.

“So I have to drop Shane at his soccer game. Then maybe we could go grab some ice cream just the 2 of us.”

“Ok, cool.”

“Or you could watch me play, just the two of you.” Shane added with a wink.

“We could do that too.”

“How about we watch you play for awhile then we’ll go and get our ice cream when mom comes.” John compromised.

“But I want ice cream too.”

“Bud, I promise we will get ice cream next time.”

“With both of you.”

“Ok but why do you want to get ice cream with the both of us?” I asked.


“Shane” John started.

“Well I kinda made a bet with my friends. So…”

“You made a bet with your friends about…us! Wow, who knew we were so famous John?” I asked amazed at the fuss people actually made over us being together.

“We are just THAT cool!”

We took Shane to his game and watched for a while. It was so hot that when Jenny came, I was more than ready to go get the ice cream. We decided to walk there instead even though it was scorching hot.

I got a German Chocolate Cake at Baskin Robins while John got the Buttered Pecans. We sat at the shop eating our ice cream and talking. When we finished we walked a little further and reached the mall where we window-shopped. We were stopped a lot by the many fans John had, especially now that they were going to release the new album in a month.

I’m not going to lie jealousy and insecurity hit me every time we were stopped. But when John looked to me and smiled I was calmed slightly. John took notice but I told him it was nothing. I wasn’t sure if he believed me but for the time being he let it slide.

“What do you want to do now?” he asked.

“Hmm. I don’t know do you want to go home?” I answered in a question.

“Sure, let’s do that and find something to do there.” He took my hand and we walked back to the soccer field.

The game was still going on but the field was so full of parents watching we gave up on trying to go back in and stuck to the plan and went to John’s.

“I had fun today.” I breathed after giving him a kiss.

We’d been home about 30 minutes we put a movie on but 10 minutes into it John was bored and although I wanted to watch the movie, John would not let me and instead kept playing with my hair trying to kiss me. I gave up on watching and kissed him instead.

“I did too. All those girls we saw at the mall probably did too.” He said smirking. He knew the entire time! I playfully slapped him.

“Shut up. They were a lot of them and most were hot. Your type.”

“You’re my type. And you are beautiful.” He pulled me closer if that was even possible. We were sitting on a big couch but only took up really little space.

We alternated watching the movie and kissing for a while. Kissing John was really something else. It was really amazing but the movie was just as amazing…kidding!

When we Shane and Jenny got home with Ross, John and I were still on the couch in the same position. We didn’t hear them come in and so …

“John? Tori?” Jenny asked incredulous. We separated pretty fast after that.

“Hi guys.” I waved awkwardly standing up from the couch. I loved Jenny but this wasn’t exactly how I wanted her to find out I was dating her son.

“Hey mom!” John tried to play it cool.

“Ross why don’t you and Shane go up for a bit get cleaned up.”

“Ooooh You’re in trouble!” Ross sing-songed up the stairs.

“So, when did this happen?” She asked.

“Well it was official yesterday.” John smiled taking my hand.

“Wow! I’m happy for the two of you. It was bound to happen anyway.” She gushed.

“Thanks Jenny.” John and I were beaming now.

“Just be careful alright. You guys have been friends a long time.”

I had dinner with them that night. But I couldn’t help but wonder if there was more to what Jenny was saying.

But for now I was happy
♠ ♠ ♠
Short and pointless. What do you think should or will happen next. Drama?

Merry Christmas everyone! Hope you all have a merry one. This will be the last update until January unless i find time and internet before that. I'm not gonna be home:)

Title Credit: Make You Mine by Vanessa Hudgens