Status: Complete.

Love Drug

The Beginning

“Benjamin, I’ve put up with you for far too long. I believe that I have been forgiving for these past few years, but I’ve had enough. Since nothing else we’ve tried has worked, I’ve decided that you are to be sent to live with your father and-”

“What?” The sound of my fists making contact with the desk echoes throughout the court room. The scraping of my chair against the floor is like nails on a chalk board to my ears, but I’m far too focused on the man before me to care. “I’m not going to live with that asshole!”

“Mr. Huntington don’t use that language in my court room. You will live with your father, we’ve already discussed with this him. It’s either this or Juvy hall, which do you choose?”


“Your fathers it is.” And the hammer against the desk is the end of it.

I bet you’re all wondering how and why I’m here, in a court room, with my mother and my oh so favorite judge, Jerry. The answer is quit simple my friends…but let me explain before any of you jump to conclusions.


The adrenaline coursing through my veins is enough to have my legs burning, hands shaking, and heart racing. It tickles my insides and makes my mind run wild. The pure fun of it all is the reason I do it. The way it makes me feel, so high, so amazing. It’s why I do it, why I break the rules so much.

The sound of sirens has me pushing myself to go faster, run harder. I can hear my heart pounding in my ears. I can hear the pitter pattering of my feet against the cold, hard, wet pavement. I can feel my lungs beating against my rib cage.

Panting, I turn a corner, my feet splashing in the water.

I feel it soak through my jeans, chilling my legs to the bone. The alleyway is small, so the police car can’t come in. I smirk at the sight of the rusty fence just a few feet in front of me.

I grab hold of the fence and climb up it, easily slipping over and laughing when the cops skid to a stop in front of the alley, realizing there’s no way they’re catching me.

It’s rare for me to get caught. Not saying that I haven’t been, because I have, but it doesn’t happen often. People may see me as a useless idiotic kid, but I’m a hell of a lot smarter than they think.

Tired and out of breath I find a dark place to rest. Slamming my back against the cool brick building I slide to the ground. I inhale deeply, trying to catch the breath I lost from escaping the police. My legs are shaking from fear and excitement.

I love it, the feeling coming from the chase. I love feeling like this and I am desperate. I’ll do whatever I can to get this feeling, this adrenaline. I sigh and run my fingers through my unkempt hair before shoving my hands into the pocket of my hoodie.

Smirking, I pull out what I managed to get during the small robbery. There isn’t much, but anything is fine to me. A few pieces of jewelry and a wad of cash. Better than nothing.

Pushing myself to my feet I make my way down the street cautiously. With my hood thrown over my head I round a few corners, go down a couple alley ways and finally make it home…only to realize that they’re there waiting for me.

“You honestly think you’d get away with it, Benjamin?” Hank asks, shoving me against his cop car and cuffing me. This is an all too familiar situation. It’s happened a few times before, but I didn’t know they knew it was me or I wouldn’t have came home.

“I always knew you liked it this way Hank,” I cackle. Hank doesn’t find my joke funny at all and rips me up to a standing position. I’m easily tossed into the back of the car and I know exactly where we’re going and what’s going to happen.



And that my friends is how it all happened. That’s how I ended up here, packing all my shit to go on an oh so wonderful journey to No Where Ville, Pennsylvania. The most useless and pointless state in existence.

“It’s for the best, Benjamin,” Erica, my mother, says quietly from behind me, her fingers twiddling together as she looks shyly down at her toes.

“Benji.” I scowl, correcting her and slamming my last suitcase shut. “And you know damn well this will only make things worse.”

How can going to live with that man make anything better?He’s the reason I’m in this mess.
♠ ♠ ♠
I live in Pennsylvania. So anyone else who lives there or in the country take no offense to this. It's just part of the story line.
So this is my new story. I have four more chapters pre-written
So please leave a comment telling me if I should keep this or just stop now
I'd really appreciate it ^.^
