Status: Complete.

Love Drug

Got It?

Standing next to Jadeyn the next morning is awkward. The atmosphere between us is definitely tense and it’s not hard to notice. Beside me Jadeyn hops from one foot to the other. I’m not sure if I should say something to him or not…

I decide not.

We get on the bus and head to school. Minutes later we are at the school, walking through small halls and trying to get to class on time. Oh wait, that’s what everyone else is doing. I, on the other hand, am heading to the bathroom for a quick smoke.

I couldn’t get one in this morning because I ran out of cigarettes. Thankfully Kristophe was here to save the day and gave me one.

Stepping into the bathroom, I check all the stalls to make sure no one is there. When successful I step into one and light the fag, inhaling the toxic fumes and sighing. What, oh what, would I do without these wonderful cancer sticks?

“Yeah, Shawn got him good today!”

Shit. I desperately try to disperse the smoke by waving my hand through the air. I put out the cigarette and listen to the kids just out the door.

“What’d he do this time?” One laughs.

“Tossed the trash from breakfast on him. That fag is too nice for his own good!”

“I know. Jadeyn needs to stand up for himself, but if he did we’d be out of a laugh for the day.”

And the two laugh before leaving the restroom and it was a good thing they did. I kick open the stall door and snarl.

Who, did what, to Jadeyn? I’m not snarling because I care. No, I just think that people who make fun of kids who are gay are ignorant.Jadeyn is gay? Fuck yes! I finish the cigarette and decide to go do some investigating.

The school isn’t big. I’ll be able to find this ‘Shawn’ in no time, but first I have to find Jadeyn to see if it’s true. I stalk off to second period to see, Jadeyn isn’t even there. I look all across the room and he is no where to be seen, so I take my seat.

About half way through class Jadeyn reappears with clothes on that he was not wearing this morning. The teacher doesn’t seem shocked that he was late and doesn’t ask as he takes a seat next to me.

“What happened?” I ask, gesturing to his clothes and slightly damp hair.

“N-Nothing.” He is a terrible liar.

“Don’t lie to me,” I growl through clenched teeth. Jadeyn frowns at the sound and quickly looks down at his feet shyly. “Tell me what happened Jadeyn.”

“I uh…a-at breakfast someone just d-dumped their food on me it was-”

“Shawn?” I ask, raising an eyebrow. “He dumped food on you, right?”

By the wide eyes and blush on his cheeks I know that I’m right. “How d-did you-”

“Who is this, Shawn?”

“It’s no one Benji. Forget about it.”

I scowl. Those kids are right. Jadeyn is too nice. He won’t even tell me who Shawn is! Hell, he didn’t even admit at first that someone did it. He was trying to say it was on accident. Fine, if he won’t tell me I’ll find out myself.

“Shawn? Yeah, he’s a real douche. He’s right over there, the bulky one.” Kristophe gestures over to a pack of jocks, all of which are standing by their lockers laughing and joking away about probably something pointless.

I smirk and make my way over to them. One sees me and raises an eyebrow in curiosity. When I reach them, they’ve all noticed me and are looking at me strangely. I don’t blame them. Someone like me, going over to people like them, is probably a rare occurrence. Or something that doesn’t happen at all.

“Which one of you is Shawn?” I ask and the one just in front of me grins. He takes a step forward, probably to try and be intimidating since he’s a good 7 inches taller than me. Freak.

“That’d be me. You need something faggot?” He asks, puffing out his overly large chest. I roll my eyes, because if anything him doing that only makes me think he’s more of a wimp.

“I hear that you’ve been picking fun on Jadeyn.” I reach out fast and before either of them can blink I have him pinned against the lockers, my arm pressed roughly into his throat. “You say or do anything to him again and I’ll kill you. Got it?”

Shawn scowls and shoves me off him. Raising his fist he throws it at me like the brute that he is. I easily dodge it and bring my knee up to his stomach. He coughs and I grab hold of his head, bringing it down onto my knee. There’s a loud crack and blood is now pouring from his nose.

“Shit! You fag, I’ll kill you!” Shawn screams, tackling me to the ground. We roll on the ground throwing fists and kicks. I manage to throw my arm around his throat and lock it there. He gasps for air, but before I can choke him the teachers break us apart.

“Both of you to the office!” One hollers, pointing to the office down the hall. Shawn rips his arms from the teachers while I scoff.

Like the principal can do anything.
♠ ♠ ♠
My router broke and I haven't had my computer for almost 4 days
Fuck, it was terrible!
But I'm back now =D
