Status: Complete.

Love Drug

Same Old Papa

“Kicked out! Kicked out, are you kidding me Benjamin?” William howls, clenching his steering wheel angrily. “You’ve been here for a week and you’re already kicked out!”

“Stop bitching about it.” I scowl, leaning back in my seat with my arms behind my head.

“Benjamin! You’re here to improve-”

“As you said, it’s been a week. You expect me to be a picture perfect child in a week?” And you bet that shut him up real fast. I grin at my victory, yet again and look out the window.

I wonder if Jadeyn saw the fight? If he did he’ll be coming over later to apologize about it. That kid…he got me in this mess in the first place. If he wasn’t so nice he might actually be able to keep himself out of trouble.

“You could at least try to get better.”

Looking out the corner of my eye I ask. “And why would I do that?”

“Because, you’re flushing your life down the toilet!”

“Maybe if I had a fatherly figure when I was growing up that would have been different.” I can feel the flames surrounding William. He’s furious. I know he is. But what can he say? He’s the one who wasn’t a good father. He was the one who left.

“You haven’t changed,” he growls, finally stopping in front of the house. “You’re still that useless brat I left.” And he gets out of the car, slamming the door shut behind him.

Yeah, that’s what I’ve been waiting here. The same old William is still in there somewhere.

I open the door and step out. Inside I see William and Launda talking, probably about me, so I go up to my room. There I shut the door, locking it behind me like I always do.

“So he’s the same old papa?” Tommy asks as I kick some mega ass on my video game.

“Yep.” I answer, popping the P. “Just took some time to get it.”

Tommy sighs sadly from the other line. I hear some rattling, which means he’s probably doing homework or something stupid like that. “Sorry man. It must suck being stuck there. But you’ll have to come home sometime.”

“Yeah, if I survive until then.” I laugh until there’s a rough knock on my door. I raise an eyebrow curiously and tell Tommy I have to go. Shutting my cell I get up to answer it. William’s standing there. He grumbles something, but all I hear is Jadeyn.

He stalks down the stairs and I can only guess that he wants me to follow so I do. We make it to the kitchen in no time and I find both Jadeyn andthe slut Launda there. At the sight of me, they both jump up, but Jadeyn talks first.

“Benji, I uh…t-thanks for standing up for me today, but you really didn’t have to! I’m sorry I got you in so much trouble it’s-”

“Forget about it.” I shrug, shoving my hands in my pockets. I stare off to the side opposite of William. He and I, I know, are not going to survive much longer around each other. I don’t even see why he offered to let me stay when he left because of me in the first place. “Shawn is an ignorant ass. He deserved it.”

Jadeyn nods his head shyly. Launda says something about me being ‘a nice guy’ before suggesting for us to go upstairs. I take a glance at her, confused. I expected them to try grounding me or something, but whatever. I won’t question it.

Jadeyn follows me back up to my room where I shut the door behind us. He takes a quick look around my room and laughs, “How did I know your walls would be covered in posters?”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“You’re so predictable.” Jadeyn giggles, looking at me over his shoulder with a smile. One that has my hear flickering like a flame within my chest. I pretend to cough and punch my chest multiple times in hopes to make that flame disappear…

But when Jadeyn decides to sit next to me on my bed and our hands brush, it only makes that flame worse. Now it’s infectious and it’s making its way through out my entire being, tickling my toes to the very tip of my nose. Jadeyn doesn’t seem to notice and I nearly sigh in relief.

“You really didn’t have to do that you know,” Jadeyn repeats, elbowing me gently in the side. I elbow him back and he giggles.

“Stop saying that.” I scowl, bringing my arms up to cross them. I need to get rid of this habit of mine. “I did it and it’s done so just…forget about it.”

“How can I? No one has ever stood up for me like that before.”

I face the boy after hearing that. He’s grinning from ear to ear and his eyes, which are naturally bright, seem to glow with such excitement and happiness that it makes my stomach flip because…I’m the reason it’s like that. I’m the reason he looks so unbelievably happyand it feels great!

“Thanks.” He says, wrapping his arms around my bicep and snuggling his head into my shoulder. Just like with the hug, I go as stiff as a statue. But this time, instead of being an idiot and simply doing nothing, I lie my head atop his own.

“Uh…it’s no problem,” I mumble into his hair, which I learned is so very soft and smells of banana’s. I inhale through my nostrils, taking in a giant whiff of his scent before he pulled away.

“So…is it safe to say that we’re…friends?” Jadeyn asks with possibly the cutest puppy eyes I’ve ever seen. No, they are the cutest. He even beat Joey out!

I bite my lip. If I can’t say no to Joey, than obviously I can’t say no to him when he’s looking at me like that.


“You’re so stubborn,” Jadeyn laughs, hopping off my bed to turn on my gaming console.

“And who said you could play my video games?” I scowl, getting up to turn it off, but when he steps in front of me I know it’s too late…

“I did.” He smiles, pressing his hand against my chest and shoving back to the bed.

If this continues I’m going to be wrapped around this kids finger, aren’t I?
♠ ♠ ♠
You're all probably like WTF IS YOUR PROBLEM, TWOONY!?!
But story! Compassion is Not an Option
A fellow writer asked me since her co-writer didn't want to write it
And I was just like, eh whatever, co-writing is easy for me!
