Status: Complete.

Love Drug

Sexual Scent

Waking up the next morning to the smell of strawberry’s and the sight of blonde hair fanned against my pillow isn’t something I expected, but definitely appreciated. I sigh then inhale the boys’ scent. It hits my nostrils and I shiver.

Everyone knows that strawberry is a sexual scent. Is this boy trying to seduce me?Cuz he’s doing a damn good job.

I groan at the pounding on my door. Jadeyn squirms in my arms and turns so that his face is implanted in my chest. His lips skim across my skin and I shiver a second time this morning. Sure, the boy can be fucking annoying, but saying he isn’t attractive is a complete lie.

I can’t believe I’ve come to terms with myself and am now willingly admitting that. Damn, how much worse can I get?

“Benji! Time to get up, you got school in twenty minutes!”

Jadeyn’s eyes shoot open and before I know it, he’s out of my arms, out of my bed, and running across the room cursing. I chuckle at the sound of the boy trying to find clothes to wear out of my dresser. When he realizes that this isn’t his house he stops.

I smirk when he looks back at me with wide eyes and a dark blush on his cheeks. It really is true, red suits blondes.

“Good morning,” I say around a grin. I get out of bed and walk over to him. “Did you forget you invaded my bed last night?”

“Uh…of course not.” He was lying. The blush on his cheeks told me so, but I roll my eyes at him anyways. “Do you…have any clothes I can wear?”

“They’ll be big,” I reply, grabbing a pair of jeans and a t-shirt that I assumed he’d like. I toss them to him and he thanks me, going off to the bathroom where he changes and gets ready. I sigh and change as well then go downstairs to inform Launda and William that Jadeyn is here.

“Jadeyn? When did he get here?”

“Last night,” I answer with a mouth full of food.

William and Launda look at each other, but shrug it off anyways. Moments later Jadeyn appears downstairs and smiles shyly, immediately apologizing for coming over without asking and all those other idiotic things that only he would apologize about. I scoff and shove another piece of bacon into my mouth.

Jadeyn and I finish our breakfast and grab my things.

“I need to stop at my house to get a few things.” Jadeyn scurries off into his house, coming back out with his back pack. He seems surprised to see that I’m waiting patiently for him, but he says nothing and continues walking by my side to the bus stop.

“T-Thanks Benji…for letting me stay,” Jadeyn whispers, fiddling with the strap of his book bag nervously. I roll my eyes from beside him, because really he’s too shy for his own good.

“Forget about it.” I shrug it off, but I stop the moment Jadeyn’s arms wrap around my torso. I bite my lip and debate on whether running back home and having my way with him or just having my way with him right here and now.

The latter is very tempting.

I throw an arm around him and tap his back, because really if I did anything else I know what will happen. Jadeyn giggles into my shirt though and grabs my other arm, throwing it around his waist and forcing a “real” proper hug.

“You are so forceful,” I tease, hugging him, resting my face in his hair just to smell its sweet, sweet scent.

“Says you,” is his muffled reply against my chest. Quickly, I push him away from me, not at all enjoying the fuzzy feeling in not only my chest, but my entire body. Jadeyn pouts, but takes a step away just when the bus pulls up and we both step on.

I take a seat and I am thoroughly surprised when Jadeyn sits beside me. I raise an eyebrow at him, but he doesn’t answer my unspoken question and instead talks about something entirely different, like how much he hates the jocks in our gym class.

I roll my eyes and part of me, the part that I use to always listen to, tells me to kick him out of my seat and tell him to fuck off. But another, much larger part, decides to sit here and listen to the boy rant about his extreme hatred towards any type of sport.

“Why are you still following me? Just because you stayed at my house doesn’t mean we’re best buds,” I scold the boy that’s been following me around all day. “Don’t you have other friends to bother?”

Jadeyn nods and he’s smiling, like he always does. Sometimes I wonder if this kid is happiness and he‘s somehow rooted to every other person on this Earth and their happiness is sucked out of him. Strange theory, but I believe it true.

“Of course I do! But it’s more fun to piss you off.”

I scoff. “Fuck off.”

“No way!” Jadeyn locks arms with me and I go to argue, but he’s already dragging me to lunch. I sigh and decide to give in, because this kid seems really fucking determined. I don’t know why he’s so concentrated on becoming my friend, but he is.

I swear, he is an alien, he really is! One day I will prove it, but for now I’ll just think of a way to kill him, because the idiot now has me sitting at his table with his friends. All of which are now interested in me, trying to talk to me, trying to befriend me.

Hissing, I make it quite clear, by telling them a very icy ‘fuck’, that I am not at all interested in any of them. They all end up giving up on me, but Jadeyn…he’s just weird and starts to scold me like a mother would her infant.

“Excuse me?” I glare out of the corner of my eye. Any normal person would cower in fear, but no, not Jadeyn.

“You heard me,” he replies, hands on his hips like a woman. I’m starting to question his gender…smirking, I glance down to his lap, debating on whether I should really find out if he is male or not. “I said not to-AH!”

Jadeyn didn’t see it coming, but I did do it. My hand did in fact reach forward to grab him through his jeans and oh, he most definitely is a boy. No one else saw it, so when Jadeyn bolted from his seat, face as red as a tomato and breath hitched, people just thought he was crazy.


“You know, I’m tired of this. I need a smoke.” Getting up I ignore Jadeyn’s questioning, shocked, and frightening looks and make my way out of the cafeteria with a rather triumphant smirk on my lips.

Ha, his face…priceless!
♠ ♠ ♠
I love Benji when he's flirting with little Jadeyn
