Status: Complete.

Love Drug

Completely Useless

“Is there a specific reason you groped me at lunch!” Jadeyn shrieks, standing a good distance away from me with his legs slightly crossed and arms still at his side.

Shrugging, I take a drag of my cigarette and reply while exhaling the fumes. “I was questioning your gender.”

“E-Excuse me?”

I scoff. “You were acting like such a woman. So, to see if you were one, I grabbed your crotch.”

“You say that like it’s something perfectly normal to do!” Jadeyn hollers, once again acting like a woman and blowing things way out of proportion. It’s not like I raped him or anything. What’s the big deal?

“It is.” I state matter-of-factly. “People grope each other all the time.”

“Yeah…if they’re dating or something!”

“Ok, ok, whatever. Stop blowing it out of proportion. Geesh, I won’t do it again-” unless I’m tempted. “So just drop it, a’right?”

Jadeyn’s face matched that of a fire hydrant, but it wasn’t from blushing. It’s from anger. He is shaking slightly in front of me and I can’t help but think how extremely hot he is when angry. Grinning, I flick my cigarette out and take a step towards him.

He takes one back and I continue this process until he is pressed against the wall. I place my arms on either side of him and press my leg between his. To say that his eyes matched that of saucers would be a complete lie. They are much larger.

“You know,” I purr, leaning forward to skim my lips over his neck. I can feel the pulse beneath my lips beating erratically and I smirk knowing that I’m the reason. “You’re pretty hot when you’re angry, Jadeyn.”

“I…I uh-um…B-Benji you’re…um…”

“I’m what?” I chuckle, taking a risk and pressing my thigh closer to him. The twitching in his pants is definitely not a mouse, I can tell you that. “Mm…are you enjoying this Jadeyn? I should have figured your door swung that way.”

And since I’m already swimming in hell I decide that I might as well check out the scenery. So I think nothing of it and nibble on the hollow of his throat, my thigh rubbing against his arousal, which is definitely appreciating it.

Jadeyn gasps, out of shock or pleasure I’m not sure, maybe both. His arms come up to push me away, but when I push open his legs, place myself between them, and begin grinding him into the wall, his actions take a different course. His fingers wrap themselves around my biceps and I’m not sure if he’s trying to push me away or pull me closer.

I press my hips into his own and my hands, which were once beside him, run down his sides to grip his hips, which are now just as eagerly grinding into my own. I grin against the hollow of his throat, but that grin disappears the moment Jadeyn realizes what’s going on.

“S-Stop it!” He presses his hands against my jest, pushing me away. I stumble backwards and fall straight on my ass. I growl, about ready to flip the fuck out, until I look up to see the look on Jadeyn’s face.

It’s a mixture of shock, horror, embarrassment, and arousal. His breaths are coming out in short pants. There’s a slight red mark on his neck, from me, and he has his hands placed over his heart as if he expected it to suddenly pop out and he had to catch it.

I watch him take a step to the side, closer and closer to the exit. And for once in my life I feel like complete and utter shit for acting before thinking of the consequences. Sighing, I go to stand and you bet the moment I got to my feet Jadeyn bolted.

I blink multiple times from shock. I had no idea that kid could run so fast! But that isn’t what scared me. He didn’t even let me talk to him. Shit, now he’s going to ignore me isn’t he?

Isn’t that what I want though? Don’t I want the alien to leave me alone? Don’t I want to go on with my drug life and not have anything to do with Jadeyn? If that’s all true, then why the hell are my legs pushing me to catch up with him?

Why am I turning this corner hoping and praying to whatever superior being is out there that Jadeyn might just stop and let me explain? Although there is nothing but my idiotic and horny ways to explain, but still maybe he might just…might talk to me or something!

If you all think I manage to catch up with him, you’re wrong. Dead wrong. I look around the entire school and even go to asking his friends if they saw him, but they all said the same thing. They haven’t seen him since the end of lunch, which means he’s no longer here.

Shit. Where could he go? It’s not like he could go home. It’s too far away. That means he has to be in this school or at least some where near it.

I bite my lip and run my fingers through my hair. Tugging on the dark locks I curse myself for being such a fucking idiot. Why do I always listen to the wrong head? Fuck you dick, you cause me too many problems!

You’re always working up whenever some hot piece of meat is around. Why can’t you be a good little boy and stay in my damn pants? Why can’t you be a mute and allow me to resist temptation? That’s all I want to do, resist the damn temptation, but no you have to be a dick, literally, and ruin it all!

Fuck. Shit. Damn it. I’m so screwed.

What if he really doesn’t talk to me again? What if he looks at me like that again? What if he continues to have fear in his eyes every time he so much as glances at me or hears my name? What if I can’t fix this?

Damn. I don’t know what to do. I’ve never been good at fixing things. It’s why I don’t make friends or get into relationships or do anything of that sort, because I know I’ll mess it up in the end and have no way what so ever to fix it.

I really am completely useless.
♠ ♠ ♠
So I have up to Ch. 26 written
I don't think this'll end until Ch. 30 or later
So if you want the updates you know what I want!
