Status: Complete.

Love Drug

You Said...

Owen and Kristophe drop me off at the end of the road, as per usual. Partying every night is not unusual for me now, not that it was before, but ever since that little incident with Jadeyn a little over a week ago I’ve been getting wasted and so fucked up it’s almost sickening to myself.

Owen and Kristophe, who were too high off their asses to realize I’m too out of it to make it to my house without help, drive off, leaving a dust trail behind them. Coughing wildly, I begin my stumble down the dirt road, incoherent mumbling passing through my lips.

The ground can’t seem to make up its mind. It keeps rocking from side to side and I snarl at it, ordering it to quit its nonsense. But like a disobedient child it doesn’t listen to me. Fucker.

I make it half way, my legs feeling like jelly, and my mind already completely mush. Burping rather obnoxiously, I look to the side to see a farm house that is not my own, but his. I squint up at the place and my drunken mind doesn’t think about it as I stumble my way to the tree.

There I climb up it, falling down multiple times before making it to the top. The branch just barely gives me room to get onto the window seal. There I look inside to see a room and I have no idea whose room it is, but Jadeyn is in this house and damn it that little fucker is going to talk to me.

I bang on the window and something within the room moves. The blurriness in my eyes is beginning to take over and I can’t see through the dark so when the window suddenly opens I fly in, hitting whoever it was, and plummet to the ground with them.

I laugh, loudly, but a hand throws itself around my mouth and I look up to see blue, beautiful blue.

“Benji…w-what are you doing here? And,” he sniffs, I can hear it. “You smell like alcohol! You’re drunk.” The fucker hisses.

“Mm,” I groan, lulling my head from side to side. “So ‘at if I’m ‘runk?”

Jadeyn sighs and then there’s light! I squeak, not being use to it, I throw my arms over my eyes and groan. Rolling onto my stomach, I press my face into the carpet and grumble out something that Jadeyn asks for me to repeat so I look up at him to see that he’s in nothing but boxers.

My drunken mind can only think of one thing though, even if he had just stated that I am indeed, fucking higher than a kite. The alcohol mix doesn’t help, at least not him, but for me it definitely does, so I reach out to grab hold of him. He gasps as I crash my lips against his, slipping my tongue into his mouth to run over every crevice and taste him.

“W-What are y-you doing? S-Stop that!” Jadeyn scolds after pushing me away.

“Dun push me way,” I order, crawling over to him. He corners himself into his room and I drop myself into his lap because I feel so tired. But at the same time I want to ravish him, this beauty lying before me. “Mm…kiss you…’or ‘easons.”


I mumble something that my mind doesn’t quite catch, but whatever it was had Jadeyn gasping in shock. And before I can hear his reaction to whatever the hell I said I fall into a deep sleep that only this glorious mixture of drugs and alcohol can give to me.

But of course, that peaceful slumber is interrupted by a burst of cold air and a shout. “Get up!”

Giggling follows after wards and I curl up on myself. The blanket that was once around me, gone, and the peace of my mind, replaced with a pounding head ache. Fuck, hang over’s are curses sent from the devil himself. Fuckin’ Satan.

Groaning, I run my fingers through my hair, gripping it and nearly tearing it out. The moment my eyes open to see that this is definitely not my room. This sheets do not belong to me, it’s far too bright, too green and purple for my taste. But the band posters resemble my own…

Maybe I painted my room while wasted? Hell no, it wouldn’t look so good.


I jump at the sound of his voice. Snapping my head to the right I find myself nose to nose with Jadeyn. His eyes widen and I expect him to pull away, but he doesn’t. Actually, he smiles and runs his hand across my cheek, which tingles at the touch.

Fuck you, butterflies. You are not invited into my stomach. Get out before I report you to the cops for trespassing! Because you know…the cops will arrest butterflies…

“Did you…r-remember last night?” He asks, cheeks flushing a bright red, and honestly, the first thing that came to mind was…

“Oh!” I shout, eyes widening and body tensing. Fuck…I didn’t, we didn’t, did we? “Did we…?”

Jadeyn’s eyes suddenly bugged out of his skull. Gasping, he shakes his head, throwing his arms from side to side while shouting, “N-No! That-we, no! I uh…just…no!”

Fuck…we didn’t? I was honestly hoping that I got myself some sweet ass last night. Apparently that can only happen in my dreams. I must change this.

Pouting, I whine, “Really? Damn…that’s too bad.”


I groan and rub my temple, which is throbbing even more now thanks to loud mouth here. “Stop fucking yelling.”

Falling back onto the bed, I rub at my tired eyes and sigh. Really, I didn’t expect for me to come here. If anything, I thought I’d avoid it. But I guess I wanted to see and apologize to Jadeyn more than a thought. Did I even apologize though?

“Say…Jadeyn, what did happen last night?” I ask, curiously, watching the boy move about his room. Stopping at his dresser, he reaches in to find himself some clothes and I can’t help but stare at his ass when he bends over. Oh sweet temptation…

“You um…you said something,” he replies, turning to look at me bashfully. “But I guess…you were just drunk. Never mind.”

Ok, now he’s got me curious. Pushing myself up off the bed, I make my way over to him. Jadeyn backs away, cornering himself immediately, which seems to be a bad habit of his. I place both arms on either side of him so he can’t run, and this time I make a mental note not to push him. I don’t want him running off again.

“What is it that I said?” I try my best not to sound frightening, but fail miserably.

Jadeyn sputters out incoherencies’ so I groan and order him to repeat himself, only in English this time. Looking up at me, Jadeyn blushes madly and says hardly above a whisper, “Y-You said t-that you…l-liked me.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Another cliffie?
Yeah, yeah I think so

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