Status: Complete.

Love Drug

You're No Fun

“You know, you’re really fucking annoying.”

“And you know, you’re really fucking stupid.”

I scowl and kick the boy in the back of the hide. Whining, he rubs the tender spot, but quickly returns his hand to its previous position on the guitar. His tongue sticks out the side of his mouth as he continuously hits one note after the other.

“How am I the stupid one? You’re the one who doesn’t understand the order, get the hell out.” I glare at the back of hispretty blonde head.

I can almost feel him smirk. “And you’re the one who doesn’t understand the answer, no way.”

“It’s my room.” I snort, reading over my messages on myspace. One friend after the other sends me messages about how they’re surprised I caught, how they can’t believe I left, and how much they miss me. I kind of like the attention, but at the same time it’s annoying.

I know most of these kids really don’t give a damn about me. I know none are really friends. None of them care. Tommy is the only one who cares.

“It’s William’s house and he let me in. I win!” His childish giggle fills the room. After he beats the song he turns off the game and I don’t take notice to the dipping of my bed until it’s too late. “Who ya talkin’ to?”

I shove my elbow into his stomach, knocking the breath out of him and successfully pushing him off the bed. With a loud ‘thud’ he lands on the floor with a scowl. “Hey, what was that for?”

“Don’t you realize I want nothing to do with you. Get the hell out of here already, you’re annoying.”

“You’re no fun.” When Jadeyn disappears from the corner of my eye I smile in victory. Finally, the brat left…or at least I thought he did, until my lab top is ripped from my fingers and slammed shut.

“What the hell? Ass, give that back!” I reach for it, but Jadeyn throws it behind his back with a far too cocky smirk. I growl at the boy and stand to my feet to glare down at him. He’s a good six to seven inches shorter after all.

Most find me intimidating, but Jadeyn is either psychotic or really stupid, because he just laughs and kiss my jaw. I shout, not expecting to feel his lips against my skin and glare at him. “What the fuck-”

“You need to get out of the house.” He cuts me off, again. He sets my lab top down and I go for it, but a hand wrapping itself around my wrist has me stumbling out the door. Jadeyn tugs me down the stairs and out the house, shouting to the slut and William that we’re leaving.

“And where are we leaving to? I don’t want to go to that damn club house of yours,” I scold, ripping my hand from his grasp.

“What’s it like, to live in the city?”

I’m a bit shocked and surprised by his question. It actually catches my attention easily and I face him to see that he isn’t looking at me, but rather at the light blue sky above us. He seems to be lost in though as I actually answer. “A hell of a lot more fun than here.”

Jadeyn chuckles, but it seems sad. Not that I care. He’s just some annoying next door neighbor that I really want nothing to do with.

“Yeah…I hear that, a lot. Have you ever ridden a horse?”

My nose wrinkles with immediate distaste. “Say what?”

“A horse. Have you ever ridden one?” Jadeyn repeats, throwing a glance at me over his shoulder with a smile. “Have you ever even seen one?”

“No and I don’t want-”

“Then come on!” And again he’s dragging me down the dirt road to God knows where.

“Why do I never have any say in what we’re doing?” I scream at him, trying to pull my hand away again, but he has a tight grip. I give up on trying to get away and just allow him to take me where ever he pleases. He’s probably going to take me to his barn to kill me…

Great, just great. Or maybe he’s going to put me on his alien space ship and take me to Mars or where ever the fuck he’s from? Shit. Just shit.

Minutes later Jadeyn and I are in front of a horse and I admit, I’m scared shitless. Farm animals aren’t my thing. I’ve never actually been around them before or even seen them in my entire life. I’ve been in the city and these things are…foreign to me.

“Don’t be scared.” Jadeyn says, running a brush across the things back.

“I’m not scared.” That’s a lie. To prove that it isn’t though I take a step closer only to have it jerk its head and have me jumping back in fear.

Jadeyn sighs and reaches my hand. He must feel my hand shake because he squeezes it reassuringly before slowly guiding it to the horses head. I bite my lip and wait for it to bite my fingers off or kick me into the barn and kill me, but it never happens. It just stands there and eats the carrot that Jadeyn has me feeding it.

“You want to ride her?”

I choke on my own saliva. Did anyone else think of that in a perverted way or was it just me? Oh shit, their primitive ways really are rubbing off on me!


“I uh…not really,” I reply, finally beginning to run my fingers down the horses neck. It hasn’t tried to bite me yet so…that means it must be ok right?

“Ok, but I’ll make you one day,” Jadeyn laughs and I roll my eyes at him. There is no way in hell I am riding a horse. It’ll give me…country cooties or something…
♠ ♠ ♠
Country cooties hehe

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