Status: Active :)


Drunken Dramatics

I was laying underneath a table, nursing a bottle of vodka feeling sorry for myself. The bottle suddenly got pulled from my weak grasp and I turn my head and look to see who would take away my only form of comfort in that moment. Will stared back at me, worry and concern etched into every aspect of his expression. I turned to my side and pulled my hood over my head to avoid his gaze. He asks me what was wrong, why was I acting this way? You never act like this, tell me what is wrong. I just ignore him and try to keep my tears at bay. I hear him sigh, then suddenly I am pulled out from underneath the table and into his arms like an infant, I bury my face in his neck. He walks us outside to his car, where he sits down with me in his lap. He keeps trying to get me to talk about what is going on but I keep refusing. I dont really want to think about it let alone talk about it. No matter how much I keep ignoring his questions he keeps firing them at me and eventually my walls break down and I cant hold back any longer. I throw my arms around his neck and start bawling my eyes out like a two year old letting all of the anger and hurt out. He rubs my back and holds me tightly to him whispering soothing words in my ear. He asked me what happened to make me this upset. I pulled my phone out of my hoodie pocket and open the picture message that was sent to me from an anonymous number. I pulled up the picture that made me this weeping drunken mess and showed it to Will. It was a picture of my boyfriend of six months cheating on me with some girl I didnt know. Wills arms tightened around me as a growl escaped his throat. I laid my head back down in the crook of his neck and listened and chuckled as he planned different ways to hurt my now ex-boyfriend. After a few minutes I looked up from my hiding spot and apologized for ruining Wills night with my drunken dramatics. He told me that I didnt ruin his night, that he would rather make sure I was alright then go and party. I gave him a small smile which he returned and we sat there for rest of the night, me in his lap cuddled into his chest while he hugged me to his chest.
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I apologize if this is kind of sucky, it was a dream I had last night that I decided to post. Let me know what you think in the comments :)