Status: Finished :)

Bloody Surprises


I was in hell.
Well if the devil was a guy with sick sense of humor then heck yeah!
But no.

I was in Howard's shrine. Howard's shrine of me. He had pictures from after the Andrews's slaughter to tonight's (or was it last night's?) dance. The last picture was of Seth and me dancing; my heart hurt. All those photos were stuck on the wall next to my bedside- I was in a very small room which only had a bed and chair. The ropes that he tied me with burned my skin especially my ankles.

I wanted to scream and cry but it would be useless and wouldn't get me anywhere. I had to save my energy to kick Howard's ass. Just think positive Lucy you can do this! My hair; that's it! My hair always had sharp pins to keep my bangs off my face! If only I could reach it! I stretched my hand as far as it could reach my head ignoring the pain and fresh blood.

Ah ha! I got it! I pulled at my hair (probably yanking out roots and stuff too), trying to get out the hairpin. I bit a scream as the clip cut my scalp. This was going to take awhile.
After I freed the pin; I struggled a bit cutting the ropes. While cutting I noticed that the place was eerily quiet. I finished in record time but with a lot of new cuts- oh joy! Yeah right.

Where was the psychotic bastard? I was on edge because I was in his turf. Then a very nasty thought popped up; what if he brought back Seth or Evan and was cutting them up? No!!! He couldn't- scratch that. He could do anything he wanted; he was the perfect killer.

I held my breath as I crept to the door. If Howard opened it I had enough nails to permanently scar his face. I posed like I knew what I was doing and after a few seconds I tried the door. Locked. Dammit.

Well what did you expect Lucy? For it to be opened and a sign saying, 'Go ahead you're free to come and go as you like,'? I think not. Gosh I was even getting bitchy with myself. I sighed as quietly as I could and hummed 'Monster' from Meg & Dia as I fashioned my hairpin to pick the lock. Once when I was thirteen and got locked out; my best friend Hadley showed me how to pick the lock. She made it look easy but it took me a lot of practice. That's also another reason why I have so many clips in my hair.

The click that it made when I succeeded made me hold my breath; it was a quiet click but it seemed loud since I was sneaking. I inched open the door till I could see the next room. I had to literally cover my mouth to keep from screaming. The room was filled with about seven dead girls; they were definitely dead trust me. The most freaky part was that the girls looked like me. They either had my shade of blonde or had my color eyes.

Howard hardly touched their faces; their arms and legs were covered in cuts and slashes. I nearly jumped out of my skin when one of the girls spoke.
"So you're the one that he wants," the blonde said, "The original."
"Are you okay?" I asked as I girl-hopped to get to her, "Sorry that's stupid question. What's your name?"
"Vannier," she said and grasped the hand that I offered, "You must be Luciana."
"The one and only," I muttered and supported her weight. She was very tiny so there wasn't much to hold up, "Come on I'm getting you out of here."
"Don't have to tell me twice," she murmured and hopped along with me. I tried this door and found it locked again- big surprise. She leaned on the wall while I fiddled with the lock. I learned from whispered conversation that she was a part of the decorating committee and got snatched two days ago. She was working overtime to get the gym finished. He had knocked her out from behind. He didn't have a chance to kill her.

"Right let's go," I said as I pushed the door open.
"From what I could see we're in a warehouse," offered Vannier, "One way in and out, lots of space."
"Is he still here?" I whispered.
"I don't know," she muttered, "I heard him talk a bit to himself about returning someone."
"My brother," I said a bit relieved that he set him free.
"No shit?" she said, "How old?'
"Yeah," I said quietly, "He's almost seven."
"I see you got out," said a very pissed off man from behind us. Howard.

"Run!" I screamed without turning and we blasted off. I pulled her along most of the way. So far until the footsteps faded behind us. We went through the tricky warehouse.
We seemed to have reached the front door; but as luck (and Howard) would have it- it was locked. But locked from the outside somehow. I couldn't pick it; this was the end for me. But not for Vannier. I spotted a broken window not far up. She would fit but not me. I would stay and face that egotistical maniac.

I glanced around until I found boxes. I dragged a few to my appointed destination. I pilled them up and climbed up. I offered my hand; she came up to.
"You are going through there," I said and pointed to the window. She nodded and I helped shove her up and through.
"Gimme your hand," she murmured. I shook my head; her eyes widened.
"You can't be serious," she cried.
"Go," I begged, "Its because of me this whole thing happened. Get help. Get my brother Evan. GO!"
Howard grabbed me then and I tumbled off the boxes probably breaking a rib or something. Vannier and I were both screaming. Howard dragged me away with my nails scrapping against the floor. Screaming and kicking I was dragged into Howard's torture chamber.