Memory Takers

Chapter One

Skylynn Dawn Debaracus moved slowly down the mountain. A frail woman, her breath escaped her lungs in haggardly gasps. You'd think she was minutes before death. In a way, this was actually true; in a completely different way it was completely false.

She looked to be more so a century, knowledge engraved into her features so cryptically you'd think her a living relic. She was being stalked, and if she did not escape promptly, her death was guaranteed. But this woman of olden appearance was in fact a newborn; with the complete knowledge her parents had passed onto her, and those before them. Along with those inherited memories was the danger of being hunted; for she was not the only newborn reversible born to these mountains.

In the realms of the shadows Codaeus Lucious Icewood moved slowly, efficiently closer to his prey. His parents knowledge encrypted to him just as Skylynn ; he would finish their mission. They would not be disgraced on the whim of a lowly incompetent couple and their offspring. But by the time this aged man reached the bottom of the mountain, the wind creating a uproar, the woman was nowhere to be found.

Skylynn sat at a chair in a coffee shop, appearing to be around 75 years of age. Still wise and ancient, she was greeted with respect and kindness by most folk. Doors were held for her, seats were offered on the buses.
Humans were an odd species, she'd come to realize. Not completely but distinctively different from her race. She even envied them sometimes, growing agitated that they always seemed to grow, changing in appearance. Yet she decreased in age, becoming younger. It was odd that to many humans, especially women, this would be a much envied ability. But Skylynn had no time to fret about that. She was still being hunted, and she needed a plan quickly. She guessed that the child of the hunters would follow the same patterns as his parents, and used the knowledge she'd been given to counter-act this cat-and-mouse chase. But it was getting her no where. In another year, she'd be 50, and then 25, then nothing. Getting up from her seat, she set out to the streets; always watchful of the shadows.
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So, I think its, eh, ok. Tell me what you think. :) I hope I didnt completely ruin it after V's epic chapter. Speaking of which: Keep an eye out to V's Chapter! It's sure to knock your socks off!