Memory Takers

Chapter Two

Chapter Two

Time seemed to pass by in a blink of an eye, one year turning into two, as the end drew near. She had aged beautifully; but she always stayed cautious. The cat and mouse game seemed nowhere in sight of ending and she grew tired of the same old thing. It was too late for her, except for the secret her parents had kept hidden. She'd have to use it soon, unless she wanted to die.

Skylynn was scared of dying, she had not completed even one task her parents instilled in her. It was kind of hard considering she was nowhere near pregnant, and she had just aged to her last year; unless she did what was always strongly against, she would never get the chance to pass on knowledge…her knowledge though great was only because of her parents. On earth it was primitive compared to her planet. Although she had never been there; from her parents memories it was a place she didn’t care to visit, let alone go back to. She liked it on earth, no matter the times, or hardships.

She sat down with her coffee she had just bought and looked out overhead to a playground. The children were laughing and running about, something Skylynn never got to experience.
She had went from a newborn genius to an old woman, slowly to a young looking blonde with grey-blue eyes. She was lean and tall, a dazzling smile…when she used it; often than not her lips were etched in a permanent frown. After all, what was there to smile about?

She did have a weakness for children and it warmed her heart to see their care-free play; hear their laughter, and see tears over the most unimportant things…but it was human nature.

She saw a young boy; falling helplessly into the sand, his legs barely able to sustain him, as he wobbled to keep his balance. He didn’t cry, instead he tried again; that made Skylynn smile, wishing she would have had the same experience, no matter how frustrating it would have been.

Skylynn was too preoccupied with the child to notice the danger that lurked in front of her.

She gasped quietly, startled from her thoughts as Codaeus sat down in front of her, a dark smile looming over his handsome features.

“Hello Skylynn, lovely day out; yes?”

It was casual conversation; like a mere friend sitting down to chat.

“Indeed it is.” Skylynn agreed cautiously, frowning.

“You do realize we’re at an impasse; you run, I chase…it is getting a bit drab, so let’s skip all that and get to the part where I finally take you back home.” Codaeus spoke so monotone that the excitement really had lost it’s course.

Skylynn looked back out to the playground longingly, ignoring Codaeus’s impromptu. Instead she switched the subject, only slightly.

“It’s too late. We’ve spent too much time running, chasing…hiding.” Skylynn let her words trail off, turning back to the sullen looking boy. Her eyes tired.

“You’ve been hiding, I’ve been hunting. I’m growing tired of the chase, so lets make a compromise. You don’t run; I don’t hurt.” Codaeus sneered, folding his arms over his chest.

Skylynn looked into his eyes before gesturing out to the playground slowly, Codaeus’s eyes following, but making sure to keep his eye on his pray.

“What? They’re children, your point?” He rolled his eyes, not getting the sentiment she was trying to point out.

She sighed.

“Don’t you ever get curious, stop and think what if that was us? Could have been?” She asked softly, before looking down.

Codaeus shrugged indifferently.

“I don’t get curious Skylynn, I do what I was instructed. I think you may have been on earth too long. You’re letting those human emotions get too close for comfort. It’s not us, never has been, never will be. If you want a child, you’re going to have to take that up with our government…if they don’t execute you on sight first.”

His voice was tight as he reached out to take her arm, causing Skylynn to stand up and throw her chair back, making it clash to the ground.

Codaeus sighed, beginning to following her. “Don’t make this any harder than it has to be.” He ordered sternly, but low so only she could hear it.

She didn’t hear anymore as she turned and bolted the other way, Codaeus watched her with boredom for a few seconds before ensuing into the chase.

Skylynn picked up momentum, her heart pounding fast as her hair flew wildly about. She looked back to see that he was already gaining on her. For a brief moment she had to admit she was glad to hit the age of 25. It meant she could run without looking ridiculous. Who wants to see a hundred year old woman running? If you could call it that; more like hobbling.

She moaned, before looking forward only to clash with a young blonde man. For a second Skylynn panicked, but picked herself up quickly and continued. She was losing time.

The boy looked on puzzled, he saw the clear panic in her eyes as she ran off, being followed by a black haired boy; determination and the look of a predator in his eyes.

He stood up slowly, pondering what he could do. He saw her turn a corner and knew that would go around to a block with lots of alleyways…which wouldn’t be good for her considering the boy didn’t hang to a right, instead he hung a left, hoping to cut her off.

With a groa,n the blonde haired boy took off between the buildings where he knew the girl would pass. He could hopefully grab her before the boy with Emo style looks did.

With patience he waited, hoping he hadn’t missed her coming around the bin. It had only been a minute later did he see her fear-frozen wide-eyed face. Her running picking up. He knew this was his chance.

With one quick movement he reached out and grabbed her around the waist, picking her up and positioning her in the space between the buildings; covering her mouth as she attempted to let out a shriek of terror.

“Shh, it’s alright, I’m here to help you!” He hissed in her ear quietly; waiting a second before she calmed down to take his hand away.

“W-who are you? Are you from the government?” Skylynn stuttered, looking at the boy in fright.

“No, my name’s Noah…Noah Clocks. I was just trying to help.” He defended, releasing his hold from her waist.

Skylynn turned around slowly, seeing a short blonde haired boy with beautiful emerald eyes. He was about five inches taller than her, with wristband cuffs, and an eyebrow ring on his right eyebrow.

She hugged him in thanks as she looked out from the buildings.

Noah looked out as well before taking her hand.

“Come on, you can chill at my place until you’re sure he’s gone.” Noah said, leading her from the building to a nearby neighborhood; unaware of the scorning eyes of Codaeus who was hidden in the shadows of the high rooftops. A scowl on his face, but the determination not deterring from his icy blue eyes.

“Stupid human…I will have her yet.” He growled before watching them disappear down the street.
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Corrected chapter, it should read better now! Thanks to Serene for helping with the corrections!