Memory Takers

Chapter Three

Noah led Skylynn into his home, a cozy looking apartment that was slightly messy. She quickly walked in, scanning behind her to see if Codaeus was lurking in any shadows. Satisfied for the most part, she tossed herself onto the nearest couch.

"Again, thanks. It was very helpful of you;what you did back there." She said politely, smiling.

She glanced up beneath her lashes to watch as Noah sat on one of his chairs. He was looking at her rather intensely, which made her flush from embarrassment. She felt nervous, never really having been so close to a human. Especially one of the opposite sex.

He smiled warmly, getting up and heading into the kitchen.

"Would you like something to drink...?"

"Skylynn. Skylynn Debaracus." She finished for him, kindly declining his offer. He walked into the kitchen, leaving Skylynn to herself. She couldn't see him through the thin wall, but she knew he was just itching to know why she was being chased. She sighed, debating whether or not to tell him her story. It was unlikely he would believe her, though. Plus, it usually wasn't good to trust such a secret to a stranger. Even if that stranger saved you.

She was slowly starting to doze off, before she realized that Noah had been off in the kitchen for quite a while. She slowly got up, stretched her limbs, and went to see what he was up to.

Outside Codaeus lurked in the shadows, watching the blond woman sitting comfortably on a couch. Foolish girl, she was. She was letting her guard down, and her only protector was a measly human. This would be over and done with in no time, and he'd be on a trip home by tomorrow morning. He was taking Skylynn no matter what, dead or alive.

He slowly began making his way to the house, under the cover of the slowly falling sun. Not caring to make himself unseen; most humans weren't outside in this neighborhood at this time.

This was going to be too easy.

He walked menacingly closer to Noah's home, looking for a way to sneak inside. Finally finding an unlatched window, he quietly ripped off the screen, and gently pulled himself in. He was in the humans garage, the door leading into the actual house was open and he saw the man reaching for something in the pantry. If he were to just reach him without being noticed, Skylynn wouldn't even know he was in...yet.

Skylynn peaked her head around the wall into the kitchen. Noah wasn't in there, but the garage door was open. Maybe he had needed something from his car?

She made her way to the door, letting out a shocked gasp as she saw Codaeus holding a knife to Noah's throat. He looked maliciously at Skylynn, warning her not to get any closer. Noah looked at her questioningly, his face set into a serious mask.

He didn't even seem at all frightened for his life.

"OK Skylynn. No more games. Your going back to Reversa and your not going to give me any more problems...otherwise your precious human suffers for it!" He spat, clutching the knife closer to Noah's throat.

Skylynn had to steady herself. She didn't want anything to happen to Noah, he wasn't deserving of it. He had just been trying to help. She reluctantly nodded her head, holding her hands out in surrender.
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Alright, I'm really REALLY sorry for the wait guys. Its inexcusable :( I promise I'll be better now.

I hope you like.